NOsql Object (NO2 a.k.a Nitrite) database is an open source nosql embedded document store written in Java. It has MongoDB like API. It supports both in-memory and single file based persistent store powered by MVStore engine of h2 database.
Nitrite is a server-less embedded database ideal for desktop, mobile or small web applications.
It features:
Embedded key-value/document and object store
In-memory or single data file
Very fast and lightweight MongoDB like API
Full text search capability
Full Android compatibility
Observable store
Both way replication via Nitrite DataGate server
Nitrite has a kotlin extension called Potassium Nitrite for kotlin developers. Visit here for more details.
To view the data of a nitrite database file, use Nitrite Explorer. More details can be found here.
To replicate data over different devices automatically, use Nitrite DataGate server. For more details visit here.
To use Nitrite in any Java application, just add the below dependency:
compile 'org.dizitart:nitrite:{version}'
Initialize Database
//java initialization
Nitrite db = Nitrite.builder()
.openOrCreate("user", "password");
//android initialization
Nitrite db = Nitrite.builder()
.filePath(getFilesDir().getPath() + "/test.db")
.openOrCreate("user", "password");
Create a Collection
// Create a Nitrite Collection
NitriteCollection collection = db.getCollection("test");
// Create an Object Repository
ObjectRepository<Employee> repository = db.getRepository(Employee.class);
Annotations for POJO
// provides index information for ObjectRepository
@Index(value = "joinDate", type = IndexType.NonUnique),
@Index(value = "name", type = IndexType.Unique)
public class Employee implements Serializable {
// provides id field to uniquely identify an object inside an ObjectRepository
private long empId;
private Date joinDate;
private String name;
private String address;
// ... public getters and setters
CRUD Operations
// create a document to populate data
Document doc = createDocument("firstName", "John")
.put("lastName", "Doe")
.put("birthDay", new Date())
.put("data", new byte[] {1, 2, 3})
.put("fruits", new ArrayList<String>() {{ add("apple"); add("orange"); add("banana"); }})
.put("note", "a quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog");
// insert the document
// update the document
collection.update(eq("firstName", "John"), createDocument("lastName", "Wick"));
// remove the document
// insert an object
Employee emp = new Employee();
Create Indices
// create document index
collection.createIndex("firstName", indexOptions(IndexType.NonUnique));
collection.createIndex("note", indexOptions(IndexType.Fulltext));
// create object index. It can also be provided via annotation
repository.createIndex("firstName", indexOptions(IndexType.NonUnique));
Query a Collection
Cursor cursor = collection.find(
// and clause
// firstName == John
eq("firstName", "John"),
// elements of data array is less than 4
elemMatch("data", lt("$", 4)),
// elements of fruits list has one element matching orange
elemMatch("fruits", regex("$", "orange")),
// note field contains string 'quick' using full-text index
text("note", "quick")
for (Document document : cursor) {
// process the document
// create document by id
Document document = collection.getById(nitriteId);
// query an object repository and create the first result
Employee emp = repository.find(eq("firstName", "John"))
Automatic Replication
// connect to a DataGate server running at localhost 9090 port
DataGateClient dataGateClient = new DataGateClient("http://localhost:9090")
.withAuth("userId", "password");
DataGateSyncTemplate syncTemplate
= new DataGateSyncTemplate(dataGateClient, "remote-collection@userId");
// create sync handle
SyncHandle syncHandle = Replicator.of(db)
// a DataGate sync template implementation
// replication attempt delay of 1 sec
.delay(timeSpan(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
// both-way replication
// sync event listener
.withListener(new SyncEventListener() {
public void onSyncEvent(SyncEventData eventInfo) {
// start sync in the background using handle
Import/Export Data
// Export data to a file
Exporter exporter = Exporter.of(db);
//Import data from the file
Importer importer = Importer.of(db);
More details are available in the reference document.
Release notes are available here.
To build and test Nitrite
$ git clone
$ cd nitrite-database
$ ./gradlew build
The test suite requires mongod to be running on localhost, listening on the default port. MongoDb is required to test replication using the DataGate server. Please run the below command to create the test user in mongo.
db.getSiblingDB('benchmark').createUser({user: 'bench', pwd: 'bench', roles: [{role: 'readWrite', db: 'benchmark'}, {role: 'dbAdmin', db: 'benchmark'}]})
The test suite also requires android sdk 24.4.1 to be installed and ANDROID_HOME environment variable to be setup properly to test the android example.
For issues with, questions about, or feedback talk to us at Gitter.
Think you’ve found a bug? Want to see a new feature in the Nitrite? Please open an issue here. But before you file an issue please check if it is already existing or not.
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