This is an example of a SpringBoot SAML client, configured via gradle, currently being used for Keycloak clients.
It also simplifies the building process of a Docker container image, and can also dispatch a running container.
This example was created based on the project from Beware maven central may not find all the required libraries! Shibolet maven repository ( is referenced in pom.xml frm this original project.
The following are usage instructions:
1 - If you do previously hold a certificate, extract a JKS for that, otherwise:
- Run to create the self-signed jks and X509 certificate
- Keep the alias and password handy
2 - Create a SAML client entry under any IDP realm and map it to the app DNS
- Import the X509 certificate in Keycloak settings for the client (SAML Keys)
- Make sure Valid Redirect URLs are set, along with Logout Service Binding URLs
3 - Update src/main/resources/application.yml
- Under ssl, set the keystore attributes based on step 1
- Under key-manager, set the classpath, store-pass and alias based on the keystore above
- Set metadata URL and entity id based on the realm and client id from step 2
4 - Add certificates information
Copy into src/main/resources/certs/ : the jks from step 1, and the keycloak truststore jks
The IDP certificate can be obtained via the following command line:
- openssl s_client -connect idp_host_name:idp_port -showcerts
- Crop the content between ---BEGIN CERTIFICATE--- and ---END CERTIFICATE---
- And paste in a new file (idp.crt)
Further we create the jks
- keytool -storetype JKS -import -trustcacerts -file yourIDP.crt -alias server -keystore idptruststore.jks -storepass truststorepass
And check IDP settings
- E.g. for Keycloak, check
5 - Update Dockerfile with keycloak client jks configuration
- Set the build process to include it in the new container image
- Set the Java Options attributes related to the truststore settings:
- Path and jks name
- Certificate type
- Jks password
6 - Run script to trigger build and initiate a container
7 - In IDP, add new SAML attributes related to the user
- User SAML attributes should be mapped (see Mapper, under REALM/client configuration)
- Add email and fullname (or any other attribute, and update index.html accordingly)