Build your resume with HTML/CSS and JSON Data
- Introduction
- Local Usage
- API Usage
- Templates
- Image
- Languages
- Date Formats
- Todo List
- How to Contribute
- License
Resumme Builder is a tool that allows you to generate a resume using HTML/CSS templates and JSON data. It follows the JSON Resume standard for structuring resume data.
Create a JSON file with your resume data. You can specify the file path using the file
You can see a json file example in examples/example.resume.json
Run the following command to generate the resume in PDF and HTML formats:
make local file="data/resume.json"
Alternatively, you can use the following command:
go run *.go local -f="data/resume.json"
The generated resume files (resume.pdf
and resume.html
) will be saved in the output
To use Resumme Builder as an API, follow these steps:
Start the server by running the following command:
make server
You can also use Docker to run the server:
make docker-build
make docker-run
Send a POST request to http://localhost:9000/pdf
with the JSON resume data in the request body.
You can use the example JSON data provided in examples/example.resume.json.
The server will generate the resume in PDF format and return it as a response.
e.g example json data request in examples/example.resume.json
Resumme Builder provides the following templates for generating resumes:
- Classic: Example
- Basic: Example
- Simple: Example
- Oldman: Example
- Stackoverflow: Example
- Figacy: Example
- Modern: Example
To use a specific template, specify the template name in the JSON resume data:
"template": "classic"
If you want to include an image in your resume, provide the image URL in the JSON resume data:
"image": ""
Upload your image to a service like imgur and copy the direct link.
Resumme Builder supports multiple languages for your resume, allowing you to create your resume in a language that suits your needs. The default language is English (en), but you can choose to use other supported languages as well.
Currently, the following languages are supported:
- English (en_US)
- French (fr_FR)
This will automatically translate labels such as "Education," "Experiences," and other sections based on the chosen language.
To set the language for your resume, include the following field in the JSON resume data: e.g examples/example.resume.json
"lang": "fr_FR"
Resumme Builder supports the following date formats:
(e.g., "2024-07-09")2006-01
(e.g., "2024-07")January 2 2006
(e.g., "July 9 2024")January 2006
(e.g., "July 2024")2006
(e.g., "2024")
Example of date fields in JSON resume data:
"education": [
"institution": "University of Example",
"area": "Computer Science",
"studyType": "Bachelor",
"startDate": "2015-09-01",
"endDate": "2019-06-30"
"work": [
"company": "Example Corp",
"position": "Software Engineer",
"startDate": "2020-01",
"endDate": "2024-07"
- Parse data to HTML
- Generate PDF
- Build an API
- Handle multiple languages (i18n)
- Expand template options
- Implement automatic translation support
- Add unit tests and improve test coverage
Feel free to contribute additional templates and features to enhance the Resumme Builder project!
If you want to contribute you can read Contributing
This project is under MIT License