cli app to help create lilypad job module using comfyui workflow.
1 - Create a new github for your module
2 - add or save your custom comfy ui workflow in a folder with cloned github repo
3 - open the terminal an run de command
npx createlilypadconfyui workflow $pwd/workflow_api.jsonsh
4 - anser the question about workflow
? What huggingface repo for you checkpoint with name "ckpt/OrangeMixs":
? What huggingface repo for you VAE with name "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors":
? Does your workarflow have embeddings? no
? Does your workarflow have custom confyui nodes? no
? Name for your docker image,<dockerUser/name:tag>
5 - the app will build your docker image, but your yet neet do publish or run a test 6 - git push the your local module, in github add a tag 7 - run lilypad with repo tag exemple, <