Simple javascript svg-based weather instruments built on top of snap.svg
Check the Release-page for the latest version: or download
or download the minimized js-file directly at:
Make sure that snap.svg is also available in your project. It can be downloaded here:
or just just use the build-instructions below
npm install
bower install
Now there should be a "weather-instruments.min.js" in a new created "build" folder.
To use these instruments snap.svg is needed, so make sure that it is part of your javacript-imports
var instrument = new wi.Instrument(id,width,height,min,max,label,currentValue);
// id => id of the svg-tag (example: #temp)
// width => width of the svg
// heigth => height of the svg
// min => min value on the scale
// max => max value on the scale
// label => label shown on the buttom of the instrument
// currentValue => value that should be shown
<svg id="temp" style="width:200px;height:200px"></svg>
<svg id="barometer" style="width:200px;height:200px"></svg>
<script src="snap.svg-min.js"></script>
<script src="weather-instruments.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var barometer = new wi.Instrument("#barometer",200,200,960,1060,"hPa", 998);
var temp = new wi.Instrument("#temp" ,200,200,-40,40,"°C" , 5);
There is a full working example in the "example"-dir
Check for a live-demo