These are some scripts to extract data from rosbag conventiently. Any contribution is welcome.
sudo apt install python3-rosbag
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-ros-numpy
pip3 install tqdm opencv-python argparse cv-bridge
This script is used to extract image data from rosbag. It supports sensor_msgs/Image
and sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
. Please modify script file before run it. You should specify your bag file path, output directory, topic name ,sensor_msgs type,and whether save with timestamp.
This is used to extract depth image data.
This is used to extract LiDAR data as .pcd files with pcl_ros.
Extract LiDAR data and save in kitti format. (000000.bin). Tests on Ouster LiDAR.
You can extract other kinds of data by editing is used to get photos and lidar data from rosbag