v1.5 Lazy load images/iframes
= 1.5 - October 17 2017 =
- [NEW FEATURE] Exclude JQuery (to fix inline JS error when using JS Combine).
- [NEW FEATURE] Load JQuery Remotely.
- [NEW FEATURE] JS Deferred Excludes.
- [NEW FEATURE] Lazy Load Images Excludes.
- [NEW FEATURE] Lazy Load Image Placeholder.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improved Lazy Load size attribute for w3c validator.
- [UPDATE] Added basic caching info and LSCWP version to HTML comment.
- [UPDATE] Added debug log to HTML detection.
- [BUGFIX] Fixed potential font CORS issue when using CDN.
- [GUI] Added API docs to setting description.
- [REFACTOR] Relocated all classes under includes with backwards compatibility.
- [REFACTOR] Relocated admin templates.
= 1.4 - October 11 2017 =
- [NEW FEATURE] Lazy load images/iframes.
- [NEW FEATURE] Clean CSS/JS optimizer data functionality in DB Optimizer panel.
- [NEW FEATURE] Exclude certain URIs from optimizer.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improved optimizer HTML check compatibility to avoid conflicts with ESI functions.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added support for using ^ when matching the start of a path in matching settings.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added wildcard support in CDN original URL.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Moved optimizer table initialization to admin setting panel with failure warning.
- [UPDATE] Added a one-time welcome banner.
- [UPDATE] Partly relocated class: 'api'.
- [API] Added API wrapper for removing wrapped HTML output.
- [INTEGRATION] Fixed WooCommerce conflict with optimizer.
- [INTEGRATION] Private cache support for WooCommerce v3.2.0+.
- [GUI] Added No Optimization menu to frontend.