In short, this tool transfers TGMA data into LSL Stream, so data can be processed by open source NeurScience tools that supports LSL.
In details, it is a bridge that sends LSL Stream data, which is forwarded from BLE-USB adaptor, which forwards EEG data from NeuroSky TGAM device.
The position of TGAM-LSL-Bridge in toolchain/topology used by me personally, is shown below:
- turn on TGAM head band
- makde sure that your COM port specificied in, is identical to the one shown on PC
- run following command in src forder:
python ./
Then you should be able to see output like this:
Started Stream: < sInfo 'TGAM EEG Stream' >
| Type: EEG
| Sampling: 512.0 Hz
| Number of channels: 1
| Data type: <class 'numpy.int16'>
| Source: TGAM-LSL-Bridge
* Established connection with COM5
* Started Forwarding COM data to Stream...
- then run following command, will see the output of Stream
mne-lsl viewer