The issue is about an API or service
Best practice issue, rather than purely normative
Progress on the issue is blocked by another issue
The issue describes an error or bug in the system
Progress and discussion on the issue has been postponed
Discussion of this topic needed
Decision has taken place, needs to be documented
Change is only editorial rather than functional
The issue describes an improvement to existing functionality or new functionality
The issue is not relevant, based on false assumptions, or otherwise not valid for consideration
The issue relates to the linked open data model
The issue needs a term added to AAT
The issue is high priority for coming to a solution
The issue is about the process of the community, not the technical documentation
Proposal to close the issue
This issue is to be raised to the SIG for consideration
Related to SHACL/schema validation
The issue is about a vocabulary term
The issue is about the website behavior, not the technical discussions
The issue is valid, but for explained reasons won't be acted upon