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AlTar 2.0 CUDA User Guide

Lijun Zhu edited this page Oct 26, 2019 · 3 revisions

AlTar 2.0 CUDA User Guide

AlTar 2.0 is based on the pyre framework. Each altar/pyre application has certain configurable components (usually a base class object implementing a corresponding protocol, which can be configured into different implementations of the same protocol) as well as traits (constant variables, such as string:, integer:, ...). Each component then could have its own configurable components and traits.

The configuration of components and traits can be assigned by a configuration file or as command line arguments. Taking the linear application as an example, its configuration script linear.pfg appears as

; application name
     ; components/traits configuration of the linear application
     model = altar.models.linear
         ; components/traits configurations of the model
         ; input directory
         case = 9patch
         ; number of parameters
         parameters = 18
         ... ...
         ; prior distribution of the parameters
         prior = altar.distributions.gaussian
             ; configurations of prior
             center = 0.0
             sigma = 0.5
             count = {linear.model.parameters}
         ... ...

where the configurations are indented to show their hierarchy. A declaration with full path or a hybrid declaration with partial path and indentation are also supported, e.g.,

linear.model = altar.models.linear = 9-patch
linear.model.parameters = 18
    prior = altar.distributions.gaussian = 0.0
    prior.sigma = 0.5
    ... ...

To assign configurations at command line (which also overrides the corresponding configuration in .pfg file), you may add them as options as --option=setting, e.g.,

$ linear

If you prefer to run the model with different configurations, e.g., linear_mpi.pfg for multi-threads, you may run

$ linear --config=linear_mpi.pfg

An altar application has following configurable components: * shell, which manages where the job is deployed, e.g.,

  • mpi for job.tasks >1 $ linear --shell=mpi.shells.mpirun --job.tasks=4
  • slurm job scheduler $ linear --shell=mpi.shells.slurm
  • jobs, which manages the size of the job

The static inversion is a linear model, d = G M, where G (Green's function) is a matrix with the dimension(observations, parameters), M (strike/dip slips for each patch) is a vector of the size equal to the total number of parameters, and d (data) is a vector of the size equal to the number of observed data points.

A sample script for static inversion static.pfg

; the static uoᴉsɹǝʌuᴉ example
; application name (has to be the same with the application name)

    ; model
    model = altar.models.seismic.cuda.static

        ; the name (also the directory for input files) of the specific case
        case = static_9patch

        ; number of patches Ndd*Nas
        patches = 9

        ; green's function
        ; shape (observations, parameters)
        ; text (.txt) or binary (.bin or .dat) also accepted
        green =

        ; observed data
        dataobs =
            observations = 108
            data_file =
            cd_file = static.Cd.h5
            ; use cd_std = 1e-4 instead for a constant standard deviation

        ; list of parametersets (the order must be the same as their orders in Green's function)
        psets_list = [strikeslip, dipslip]

        ; define parametersets
            strikeslip = altar.cuda.models.parameterset
            dipslip = altar.cuda.models.parameterset
            ; add insarramp if needed

                count = {cudastatic.model.patches}
                prior = altar.cuda.distributions.gaussian
                prior.mean = 0
                prior.sigma = 0.5

                count = {cudastatic.model.patches}
                prep = altar.models.seismic.cuda.moment
                    support = (-0.5, 20) ; slip range
                    Mw_mean = 7.3 ; mean moment magnitude scale
                    Mw_sigma = 0.2 ; sd for moment magnitude scale
                    Mu = 30 ; in GPa
                    area = 400 ; patch area in km^2
                prior = altar.cuda.distributions.uniform
                    support = (-0.5, 20)

        sampler = altar.cuda.bayesian.metropolis
            output_dir = results/static ; output directory
            output_freq = 3 ; output frequency in beta steps

        ; profiling
        prof = altar.bayesian.profiler

   ; run configuration
   job.tasks = 1 ; number of tasks per host
   job.gpus = 1  ; number of gpus per task
   job.gpuprecision = float32 ; double(float64) or single(float32) precision for gpu computations
   ;job.gpuids = [0] ; a list gpu device ids for tasks on each host, default range(job.gpus)
   job.chains = 2**10 ; number of chains per task
   job.steps = 1000 ; MC burn-in steps for each beta step

   ; shell
   ; shell = mpi.shells.mpirun ; for running with mpi

; for parallel runs
; mpi.shells.mpirun #
    ; extra = -mca btl self,tcp

; end of file

A model usually consists of several parameter sets. For example, strike slips, dip slips, and insar ramps in the static model (you could use any name of your preference for each parameter set). The parameters will be arranged in orders in a theta matrix (samples, parameters) in simulation, which should be consistent with the provided Green's function. To enforce the order, users need to specify it in a psets_list trait at first

psets_list = [strikeslip, dipslip]

Each parameter set has a count trait (e.g. the count of the strikeslip parameterset is the same as the number of patches), and a prior trait for its prior distribution, uniform/gaussian/truncated gaussian ... If the distribution to prepare/initialize samples is different, an additional prep trait can be used. For example,

    strikeslip = altar.cuda.models.parameterset ;we won't need this after gpu/cpu code are merged
        count = {cudastatic.model.patches}
        prior = altar.cuda.distributions.gaussian ; we only need to say gaussian after gpu/cpu code are merged
            mean = 0
            sigma = 0.5

For dip slips, we start with samples with their sum conforming to certain moment magnitude scale, and a moment distribution (combining Dirichlet and Gaussian distributions) is used as a prep

    count = {cudastatic.model.patches}
    prep = altar.models.seismic.cuda.moment
        support = (-0.5, 20) ; slip range
        Mw_mean = 7.3 ; mean moment magnitude scale
        Mw_sigma = 0.2 ; sd for moment magnitude scale
        Mu = 30 ; in GPa
        area = 400 ; patch area in km^2
    prior = altar.cuda.distributions.uniform
        support = (-0.5, 20)

HDF5 files (with suffix .h5) are recommended since the metadata for each data set is included with h5 file, such as dimensions, precision. For static model, the support for .txt or .bin inputs from AlTar-1.1 is currently preserved.

A conversion tool H5Converter is provided if you need to convert any .txt or .bin files to .h5.

  • convert a text file to hdf5

  • convert a binary file to hdf5, additional precision (default=float32) and shape (default = 1d vector and will be reshaped to 2d in program if needed) information can be added

    H5Converter --precision='float32' --shape=[100,11000]
  • merge several files into one hdf5

    H5Converter --inputs=[static.kernel.pertL1.txt,static.kernel.pertL2.txt] --output=static.kernel.h5
  • for more options

    H5Converter --help

You only need to call cudaStatic to run the program, which handles multi-threads, multi-hosts by the job configuration in the script file.

  • For single thread gpu job on GPU n

    ; run configuration
    job.tasks = 1 ; number of tasks per host
    job.gpus = 1  ; number of gpus per task
    job.gpuprecision = float32 ; double(float64) or single(float32) precision for gpu computations
    job.gpuids = [n] ; a list gpu device ids for tasks on each host, default range(job.gpus)
  • For multiple threads/gpus, the MPI shell should be enabled. If job.gpuids is not specified, the program will use the first n-GPUs. Otherwise, you could specify which GPUs are used (they could the same if you would like to share some tasks on the same GPU). For a 4-thread gpu job on GPUs 4,5,6,7

    ; run configuration
    job.tasks = 4 ; number of tasks per host
    job.gpus = 1  ; number of gpus per task
    job.gpuprecision = float32 ; double(float64) or single(float32) precision for gpu computations
    job.gpuids = [4,5,6,7] ; a list gpu device ids for tasks on each host, default range(job.gpus)
    ; shell
    shell = mpi.shells.mpirun ; for running with mpi

You may also provide more options to the MPI shell,

; for parallel runs
mpi.shells.mpirun #
    extra = -mca btl self,tcp

The Bayesian sampling results are written to a directory specified under archiver

        output_dir = results/static ; output directory
        output_freq = 3 ; output frequency in beta steps

while output_freq specifies how frequent (in beta steps) you prefer the sampling results are written to files. The final results will always be outputted.

Each output is in HDF5 format, with names step_nnn.h5. nnn is the number of the beta step. The HDF5 includes three data groups, Annealer, ParameterSets, and Bayesian. Annealer group includes datasets which provide annealing information, such as beta, the covariance matrix for gaussian proposal. Parametersets group includes all parametersets. Instead of one big theta, we now sort them into different datasets according to their names, each data set has the dimension (samples, count). Bayesian group includes prior, datalikelihood, and posterior datasets (each has the dimension samples), which are Bayesian statistics for each sample.