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Library for integrating IDriss into your project.

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Integrate IDriss Into Your Project

Let's Integrate!

This is a node.js and webpack library for integrating IDriss into your project.

IDriss is a decentralized mapping of emails, phone numbers and Twitter usernames to cryptocurrency wallet addresses.

The key benefits of integrating IDriss are:

  • User-friendly wallet address format that can be easily shared verbally, or in writing for the purpose of sending or receiving crypto
  • Effective organization and quicker access to your multiple wallet addresses (you have them available under one, memorable IDriss)
  • Easier deposits into your wallet from crypto exchanges and other wallets
  • (Coming soon) Additional revenue stream for your project

The library has 4 main functions:

  1. Resolving IDriss names
  2. Reverse Resolving IDriss names
  3. Sending MATIC/ERC20/ERC721 to existing and nonexistent IDriss users
  4. Registering IDriss names inside your app

*IDriss name - email, phone number or Twitter username

Sample Usage

From cli:

npm install idriss-crypto

And in code:

import {IdrissCrypto} from "idriss-crypto";

const idriss = new IdrissCrypto();
const resultEmail = await idriss.resolve("[email protected]");

And the output of this is:

    "Coinbase BTC": "bc1qsvz5jumwew8haj4czxpzxujqz8z6xq4nxxh7vh",
    "Metamask ETH": "0x11E9F9344A9720d2B2B5F0753225bb805161139B"

The same is possible with Twitter usernames:

    const resultTwitter = await idriss.resolve("@idriss_xyz");

Resolves to:

    "Metamask ETH": "0x5ABca791C22E7f99237fCC04639E094Ffa0cCce9",
    "Coinbase ETH": "0x995945Fb74e0f8e345b3f35472c3e07202Eb38Ac",
    "Argent ETH": "0x4B994A4b85378906B3FE9C5292C749f79c9aD661",
    "Tally ETH": "0xa1ce10d433bb841cefd82a43f10b6b597538fa1d",
    "Trust ETH": "0xE297b1E893e7F8849413D8ee7407DB343979A449",
    "Rainbow ETH": "0xe10A2331Ac5498e7544579167755d6a756786a9F"

And phone numbers:

    const resultPhone = await idriss.resolve("+16506655942");

Resolves to:

    'Binance BTC': '1FdqxZsS6HVEs1NaQUdkoQWKYA9R9yfhdz',
    'Essentials ELA': 'EL4bLnZALyJKkoEf99qjZMrKVresHU76JU',
    'Phantom SOL': '6GmzRK2qLhBPK2WwYM14EGnxh95jBTsJGXMgFyM3VeVk'

How to load library

Webpage with webpack

npm install idriss-crypto
yarn add idriss-crypto

And in code:

import {IdrissCrypto, Authorization} from "idriss-crypto/browser";

Webpage without webpack

If using ES6 modules, you can import library

import {IdrissCrypto, Authorization} from ""

If not, you can simply load js file in html

<script src=""></script>

then the objects are available as global variables under IdrissCrypto, for example

let idriss = new IdrissCrypto.IdrissCrypto();


From cli:

npm install idriss-crypto
yarn add idriss-crypto

And in code:

//for nodejs using ES6 modules
import {IdrissCrypto, Authorization} from "idriss-crypto";

//for nodejs using commonJS
const {IdrissCrypto, Authorization} = require("idriss-crypto");

Library is designed both for es6 and cjs.


1. Resolving IDriss Names

Resolve emails, phone numbers, and Twitter usernames to wallet addresses.

Class IdrissCrypto

An example of implementation in the user interface:

UI Implementation Example


type ResolveOptions = {
  coin?: string|null,
  network?: string|null,

constructor(polygonEndpoint: string = "")



public async resolve(input: string, options:ResolveOptions = {}): Promise<{ [index: string]: string }>

Converts input string (e-mail address, phone number or Twitter handle) to wallets addresses. This method connects to IDriss API server and then to endpoint defined in constructor.


  • input (string) - e-mail address, phone number (starting with (+) country code) or Twitter handle (starting with "@") together with optional secret word
  • options (ResolveOptions object) - optional parameters
    • coin (string) - for example "ETH"
      • currently supported coins: ETH, BNB, USDT, USDC, ELA, MATIC, BTC, SOL and one ERC20 wildcard
    • network (string) - for example "evm"
      • currently supported network types: evm (for evm compatible addresses across different networks), btc and sol
    • currently, we support the following combinations:
      • network: evm
        • coin: ETH, BNB, USDT, USDC, ELA, MATIC, ERC20
      • network: btc
        • coin: BTC, ELA
      • network: sol
        • coin: SOL
  • supported networks and coins will be updated on a regular basis. Any wishes regarding supported combinations? Please join our Discord and let us know.

Returns: Promise, that resolves to dictionary (object), in which keys are names addresses, and values are these addresses (see example). In case nothing was found, promise will resolve to empty object. If unknown network or coin (or combination) was provided, error returns. Example: "message": "Network not found."

2. Reverse Resolving IDriss Names

Show emails, phone numbers, and Twitter usernames instead of wallet addresses.

Use reverseResolve

public async reverseResolve(input: string): Promise<string>

And in code:

const obj = new IdrissCrypto()

const reverse = await obj.reverseResolve("0x995945Fb74e0f8e345b3f35472c3e07202Eb38Ac")


This resolves to:


You can also call the smart contact directly:

async function loadContractReverse(web3) {
    return await new web3.eth.Contract([{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"name":"reverseIDriss","outputs":   [{"internalType":"string","name":"","type":"string"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"}],

let reverseContract = await loadContractReverse(defaultWeb3);
reverse = await reverseContract.methods.reverseIDriss(address).call();

Note: The code above provides resolution to Twitter IDs. The IDs still must be translated to usernames with Twitter API. Our library takes care of this translation.

An example of implementation in the user interface:

UI Implementation Example

3. Sending MATIC/ERC20/ERC721 to existing and nonexistent IDriss users on Polygon

Send MATIC/ERC20/ERC721 to send assets to both users that have IDriss registered, and to those who are yet to have one on Polygon chain

In case that the user resolves to an address in IDriss registry, asset transfer is performed directly to the user. The asset is being send to SendToAnyone smart contract, so that the user can claim it after registering. Please note that if the smart contract is used, it additionally invokes approve function for the contract to be able to hold it in hte escrow.

Use transferToIDriss

public async transferToIDriss (
    beneficiary: string,
    walletType: Required<ResolveOptions>,
    asset: AssetLiability
): Promise<TransactionReceipt>

And in code:

const obj = new IdrissCrypto()

const transactionReceipt = await obj.transferToIDriss(
    "[email protected]",
        network: "evm",
        coin: "MATIC",
        walletTag: "Metamask ETH"
        type: AssetType.ERC20,
        amount: 150,
        assetContractAddress: "0x995945Fb74e0f8e345b3f35472c3e07202Eb38Ac"


This resolves to SendToHashTransactionReceipt object, which gives info about the transaction that was performed and if SendToHash smart contract was used, it returns claim password for the user

You can also call the smart contact directly:

async function loadContractSendToAnyone(web3) {
    return await new web3.eth.Contract(
        [{ "inputs": [ { "internalType": "string", "name": "_IDrissHash", "type": "string" }, { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_amount", "type": "uint256" }, { "internalType": "enum AssetType", "name": "_assetType", "type": "uint8" }, { "internalType": "address", "name": "_assetContractAddress", "type": "address" }, { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "_assetId", "type": "uint256" }], "name": "sendToAnyone", "outputs": [], "stateMutability": "payable", "type": "function"}],

const hashWithPassword = await (await this.idrissSendToAnyoneContractPromise).methods
    .hashIDrissWithPassword(IDrissHash, claimPassword).call()

let sendToAnyoneContract = await loadContractSendToAnyone(defaultWeb3);
reverse = await sendToAnyoneContract.methods
    .sendToAnyone(hashWithPassword, 150, ASSET_TYPE_ERC20, '0x995945Fb74e0f8e345b3f35472c3e07202Eb38Ac', 0)
        from: '0x5559C5Fb84e0f8e34bb3B35b72cAe0770AEb38Ac',
        value: 1_000_000_000_000_000

4. Registering IDriss Names Inside Your Project

Onboard users to IDriss directly from your app's interface.

All methods found below are available on testnet as well. For development purposes, simply append "Testnet" to the method call.
  • CreateOTP -> CreateOTPTestnet
  • ValidateOTP -> ValidateOTPTestnet
  • CheckPayment -> CheckPaymentTestnet
Visit our docs to check the mainnet and testnet payment contracts to call during the onboarding flow.

Class Authorization

An example of implementation in the user interface:

UI Implementation Example

The workflow using plain API calls should follow this procedure:

Registration Workflow

And using this library:


 public static async CreateOTP(tag:string, identifier:string, address:string, secretWord:string | null = null):Promise<CreateOTPResponse>


  • tag (string) - identifier for wallet. See below for options. Contact us on Discord to add additional tags.
  • identifier (string) - email, phone number with country code or @twitter handle (including "@")
  • address (string) - address to be linked with identifier+secret_word
  • secretWord(string, optional) - to be appended to identifier when using the resolver


 class CreateOTPResponse {
    public sessionKey: string;
    public triesLeft: number;
    public address: string;
    public hash: string;
    public message: string;
    public nextStep: string;
    public twitterId: string;
    public twitterMsg: string;


import {Authorization} from "idriss-crypto";

const resCreateOTP = await Authorization.CreateOTP("Metamask ETH", "[email protected]", "0x11E9F9344A9720d2B2B5F0753225bb805161139B")

available tags:

  • "Metamask ETH", "Binance ETH", "Coinbase ETH", "Exchange ETH", "Private ETH", "Essentials ETH", "Rainbow ETH", "Argent ETH", "Tally ETH", "Trust ETH", "Public ETH",
  • "Essentials BTC", "Binance BTC", "Coinbase BTC", "Exchange BTC", "Private BTC",
  • "Metamask USDT", "Binance USDT", "Coinbase USDT", "Exchange USDT", "Private USDT", "Essentials USDT",
  • "Metamask USDC", "Binance USDC", "Coinbase USDC", "Exchange USDC", "Private USDC", "Essentials USDC",
  • "Solana SOL", "Coinbase SOL", "Trust SOL", "Binance SOL", "Phantom SOL",
  • "Metamask BNB", "Essentials BNB",
  • "Essentials ELA SC", "Essentials ELA" (Smart Chain and native ELA network)
  • "Essentials MATIC",
  • "ERC20"

tags must match address type, error thrown otherwise.


static async ValidateOTP(OTP:string, sessionKey:string):Promise<ValidateOTPResponse>

Validates if OTP is correct. If OTP is wrong, WrongOTPException is thrown.


  • OTP (string) - 6-digit number
  • sessionKey (string) - session key provided in first call


export class ValidateOTPResponse {
    public message: string;
    public session_key: string;
    public priceMATIC: number;
    public priceETH: number;
    public priceBNB: number;
    public receiptID: string
    public gas: number;


import {Authorization, WrongOTPException} from "idriss-crypto";

try {
    resValidateOTP = await Authorization.ValidateOTP("123456", "QNmxmWdWVZ3pm1rHEN7G");
    console.log("Validated succesfully");
} catch (ex) {
    if (ex instanceof WrongOTPException) {
        console.log("OTP is wrong");
    } else {
        console.log("Other error");

Error is thrown if session is not valid anymore (more than 3 wrong OTPs), wrong OTP is provided, the transaction failed or the session key is unknown.

If correct, 0 value payment priceMatic = 0 must be performed using receiptID:

paymentContract = await loadPaymentMATIC(web3);

receipt_hash = await paymentContract.methods.hashReceipt(String(resValidateOTP.receiptID), selectedAccount).call();

payment = await paymentContract.methods.payNative(receipt_hash, resCreateOTP.hash, "IDriss").send({
                from: selectedAccount,
                value: 0,
                gasPrice: resValidateOTP.gas

where loadPaymentContract() loads the payment contract.


static async CheckPayment(token: string, sessionKey: string): Promise<CheckPaymentResponse>

Validates if payment is valid. If payment is done incorrectly, error is returned. If payment can be validated, IDriss will be saved on the blockchain and txnHash of corresponding link is returned. Once the transaction went through, IDriss can be found with the resolver (1).


  • OTP (string) - 6-digit number
  • sessionKey (string) - session key provided in first call


export class ValidateOTPResponse {
    public message: string;
    public txnHash: string;
    public sessionKey: string;
    public referralLink: string;

The referral link can be used to acquire IDriss points and can be viewed on our dashboard. More information here.


import {Authorization, WrongOTPException} from "idriss-crypto";

try {
    await Authorization.ValidateOTP("123456", "QNmxmWdWVZ3pm1rHEN7G");
    console.log("Validated succesfully");
} catch  {

Important Consideration

  • The address paying for the free sign up (selectedAccount) will be defined as the owner address of a given IDriss. We strongly advise that the payment transaction is confirmed by a wallet owned and operated by the user only. Only the owner address will be able to make any changes (including deletions) to an IDriss.
  • If selectedAccount is empty, a faucet will deposit some funds (MATIC on Polygon) to pay for the gas fee of this 0 value transaction. This is part of the validateOTP call and funds will be deposited to the address provided in createOTP (the resolving address).


In order to run tests, please execute following commands:

yarn compileWeb3
yarn hardhat node
yarn testE2e

Working Examples

  • For functionalities (1) and (2), check our browser extension.
  • IDriss Send is an example for a working integration of (3).
  • Check the claim page of IDriss Send for a working example of functionalities (1) and (4).


Library for integrating IDriss into your project.






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  • TypeScript 36.1%
  • Solidity 32.0%
  • JavaScript 31.9%