Generate bootstrap-form in your react application by providing json.
Version 6 is build from the ground up, so you know features are missing ;)
Now you can also use Final-Form instead af redux-form
import Form from 'redux-form-generator';
import {FinalForm as Form} from 'redux-form-generator';
V0.1.x -> V6.x.x
- Added property hortzontal (bool)
- Renamed property fieldsNeeded -> fields (json)
- Renamed property formName -> name (string)
- Renamed Field radio/checkbox property searchable -> filter (bool)
- Removed property checkKey
- Removed property formKey
- Removed property getActionState
- Removed property clearActionState
- Removed property formClass
Breaking changes
npm install --save redux-form-generator
File uploads are using react-plupload So if you need file upload please follow the instructions over there for installation
The is a small example included, this example had no working backend Use with the chromebrowser, IE will fail in the example.
git clone
cd redux-form-generator/example
npm install
npm run dev
Define a const field function, later on in your component you call this function and you can pass extra params you can use in the fields definition. Like i needed my authorization token for the use with plupload.
export default function form(resource) {
return ([
name: 'field_1',
label: 'Field 1',
helper: 'How are you today?',
type: 'text',
bsSize: 'large',
placeholder: 'Field 1',
addonBefore: '@',
addonAfter: '@',
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
Put in your react render component the following code
name="userEdit" <-- Name of your store
horizontal <-- Display fthe form horizontal
fields={fields()} <-- The field const function
static <-- Show text version
initialValues={{}} <-- Pass the initial values from your store
onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} <-- The submit function in your component to handle submit
validate={(data) => { return {} }} <--Validation rules
#Available types
type: 'button',
name: 'button',
value: 'Button',
onClick: () => {
console.log('You clicked me');
type: 'submit',
name: 'submit',
value: 'Send'
name: 'field_1',
label: 'Field 1',
helper: 'How are you today?',
type: 'text',
bsSize: 'large',
placeholder: 'Field 1',
addonBefore: '@',
addonAfter: '@',
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
name: 'field_1',
label: 'Field 1',
type: 'password',
bsSize: 'large',
placeholder: 'Field 1',
addonBefore: '@',
addonAfter: '@',
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
name: 'field_3',
label: 'Field 3',
type: 'select',
bsSize: 'large',
placeholder: 'Field 3',
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
options: [
{value: '1', desc: 'Value 1'},
{value: '2', desc: 'Value 2'},
{value: '3', desc: 'Value 3'},
{value: '4', desc: 'Value 4'}
name: 'field_4',
label: 'Field 4',
type: 'radio',
placeholder: 'Field 4',
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
options: [
{value: 1, desc: 'Value 1'},
{value: 2, desc: 'Value 2'},
{value: 3, desc: 'Value 3'},
{value: 4, desc: 'Value 4'},
{value: 5, desc: 'Value 5'}
chunks: 3,
filter: true
name: 'field_6',
label: 'Field 6',
type: 'checkbox',
bsSize: 'large',
placeholder: 'Field 6',
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
options: [
{value: 1, desc: 'Value 1'},
{value: 2, desc: 'Value 2'},
{value: 3, desc: 'Value 3'},
{value: 4, desc: 'Value 4'},
{value: 5, desc: 'Value 5'}
chunks: 3,
filter: true
name: 'field_6',
label: 'Field 6',
type: 'checkbox',
bsSize: 'large',
placeholder: 'Field 6',
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
options: [
{value: 1, desc: 'Value 1'},
chunks: 3,
filter: true,
single: true
name: 'field_5',
label: 'Field 5',
helper: 'How are you today?',
type: 'textarea',
placeholder: 'Field 5',
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
Tinymce editor, so for configuration options tinymce
name: 'field_8',
label: 'Field 8',
helper: 'How are you today?',
type: 'rte',
placeholder: 'Field 8',
conf: {
readonly: true
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
name: 'field_7',
label: 'Field 7',
type: 'text',
bsSize: 'large',
placeholder: 'Field 7',
buttonAfter: {
name: 'field_7_1',
label: 'Field 7_1',
type: 'dropDown',
items: [
{value: '1', desc: 'Value 1'},
{value: '2', desc: 'Value 2'},
{value: '3', desc: 'Value 3'}
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
Load data from overlay with its own store. See the example on how to implement
name: 'field_9',
label: 'Field 9',
type: 'resource',
callResource: resource,
list: [
{value: 1, desc: 'Item 1'},
{value: 2, desc: 'Item 2'},
{value: 3, desc: 'Item 3'}
Upload files with plupload See for more configuration options plupload
name: 'field_10',
label: 'Field 10',
type: 'plupload',
conf: {
id: 'plupload',
runtimes: 'html5',
multipart: true,
chunk_size: '1mb',
url: '/',
multi_selection: false,
flash_swf_url: '/plupload-2.1.8/js/Moxie.swf',
autoUpload: true,
headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer laravelAutToken'}
See for more configuration options plupload
name: 'field_11',
label: 'Field 11',
type: 'dateTime',
placeholder: 'DateTime',
bsSize: 'large',
display: valueOf // MomentJs function which returns the value you desire. [See momentjs docs](
conf: {
format: 'x',
inputFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
labelSize: {
md: 2
fieldSize: {
md: 10
Show this message when the form has been succesfully send.
type: 'success',
message: 'The form has been send'
Show this message when there are errors
type: 'error',
message: 'There are errors, please check the form.'
Display multiple fields in one row
row: {
col: [
md: 4,
children: [
name: 'plain',
type: 'plain',
value: '<div class="pull-right">Name*</div>'
md: 3,
children: [
name: 'firstname',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Firstname',
fieldSize: {md: 12}
md: 5,
children: [
name: 'lastname',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Lastname',
fieldSize: {md: 12}
Display messaged in your own grid layout.
row: {
hideOnStatic: true,
col: [
md: 10, mdOffset: 2, children: [
{type: 'success', message: 'The form has been send'},
{type: 'error', message: 'There are errors, please the the form.'}
{hideOnStatic: true, md: 10, mdOffset: 2, children: [{type: 'submit', name: 'submit', value: 'versturen'}]}
Help wanted to make this package stable!
Go into the example directory. and run
pm2 start "/usr/bin/npm" -f --name "app-redux-form-generator" -- run start