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Basement Butler Bot

A discord bot made for the discord server The Basement

Made by: Lejara (Leonel Jara)


  • !commands - List useble commands
  • !hi - Say hi
  • !getdrink (name) - Will give you the drink of your liking wink
  • !maketeams # - Orgainzes a team from voice chat, and can escort teams to different voice channels.
  • !vctopic (topic) - Adds a topic to the voice channel your currently in.
  • !rmvctopic - Removes the topic to the voice channel your currently in.
  • !listvoice - list all users in your current voice channel.
  • !stepout (@mention) - disconnects the target user from voice chat.
  • !meme (keyword) - Will give you picture of a meme.
  • !l??? - hidden command.

Owner Only Commmnds

  • !welcome - mention everyone.
  • !setTopicLength (int) - use for limiting the ammount of characters for vctopic command.
  • !setRemoveFirstWord (bool) - if true, will remove the first word of a channel only when a topic is set.
  • !addThisVChannel - add useble voice channels for maketeams command.
  • !removeThisVChannel remove useble voice channels for maketeams command.


  1. Fill out ConfigCore/BotConfig.json

    -Add Your Discord Bot Token, you get your token at

    -Add Your Command Prefix

  2. Run DiscordButlerBot.exe