Expected to take several days to develop. Ready for integration if decomposition isn't feasible
Expected to take no more than one day to develop. Ready for integration
Expected to take a week plus to develop. Needs decomposition into smaller issues before integration
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue or pull request already exists
Functionality needed or wanted by users
Extra attention is needed
Requires new or updates to our documentation
Bug requires Stacks Wallet team verification
Critical functionality broken for many customers, with no clear workarounds
Critical functionality needed by many users, with no clear alternatives
Critical functionality broken for few users, with no clear workarounds
Critical functionality needed by few users, with no clear alternatives
Non-critical functionality broken for many users, or there are clear workarounds
Non-critical functionality wanted by many users, or there are clear alternatives
Non-critical functionality broken for few users, or there are clear workarounds
Non-critical functionality wanted by few users, or there are clear alternatives