A work-in-progress "extended" version of the popular (unmaintained) xNet fork, Leaf.xNet.
- Fix nullable issues/fully migrate to .NET Core
- Migrate from/fix obsolete and deprecated system classes
- Add full async/await support
- Use JsonSerializer (System.Text.Json) for saving/loading cookies
- Add AOT support
- Translate code docs into English (en-US)
- Move the
indexer to theHeaders
property and implement IEnumerable for it - Implement new property
should haveCookies
with indexer. - Add cross-platform support
It's enabled by default. But you can disable this behavior:
httpRequest.KeepTemporaryHeadersOnRedirect = false;
httpRequest.AddHeader(HttpHeader.Referer, "https://google.com");
// After redirection to www.google.com - request won't have Referer header because KeepTemporaryHeadersOnRedirect = false
httpRequest.EnableMiddleHeaders = true;
// This requrest has a lot of redirects
var resp = httpRequest.Get("https://account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/");
var md = resp.MiddleHeaders;
Used native cookie storage from .NET with domain shared access support.
Cookies enabled by default. If you wait to disable parsing it use:
HttpRequest.UseCookies = false;
Cookies now escaping values. If you wait to disable it use:
HttpRequest.Cookies.EscapeValuesOnReceive = false;
// UnescapeValuesOnSend by default = EscapeValuesOnReceive
// so set if to false isn't necessary
HttpRequest.Cookies.UnescapeValuesOnSend = false;
// By Default (SSL 2 & 3 not used)
httpRequest.SslProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls | SslProtocols.Tls12 | SslProtocols.Tls11;
Sometimes HTTPS proxy require relative address instead of absolute. This behavior can be changed:
http.Proxy.AbsoluteUriInStartingLine = false;
UserAgents were updated in January 2019.
// Call it again if you want change it again
// or set property
httpRequest.UserAgent = Http.RandomUserAgent();
When you need a specific browser just use the Http
class same way:
var urlParams = new RequestParams {
{ ["привет"] = "мир" },
{ ["param2"] = "val2" }
// Or
// urlParams["привет"] = "мир";
// urlParams["param2"] = "val2";
string content = request.Post("https://google.com", urlParams).ToString();
string title = html.Substring("<title>", "</title>");
// substring or default
string titleWithDefault = html.Substring("<title>", "</title>") ?? "Nothing";
string titleWithDefault2 = html.Substring("<title>", "</title>", fallback: "Nothing");
// substring or empty
string titleOrEmpty = html.SubstringOrEmpty("<title>", "</title>");
string titleOrEmpty2 = html.Substring("<title>", "</title>") ?? ""; // "" or string.Empty
string titleOrEmpty3 = html.Substring("<title>", "</title>", fallback: string.Empty);
// substring or thrown exception when not found
// it will throw new SubstringException with left and right arguments in the message
string titleOrException = html.SubstringEx("<title>", "</title>");
// when you need your own Exception
string titleOrException2 = html.Substring("<title>", "</title>")
?? throw MyCustomException();
Add in the beggining of file.
using Leaf.xNet;
And use one of this code templates:
using (var request = new HttpRequest()) {
// Do something
// Or
HttpRequest request = null;
try {
request = new HttpRequest();
// Do something
catch (HttpException ex) {
// Http error handling
// You can use ex.Status or ex.HttpStatusCode for more details.
catch (Exception ex) {
// Unhandled exceptions
finally {
// Cleanup in the end if initialized
Methods AddField()
and AddFile()
has been removed (unstable).
Use this code:
var multipartContent = new MultipartContent()
{new StringContent("Harry Potter"), "login"},
{new StringContent("Crucio"), "password"},
{new FileContent(@"C:\hp.rar"), "file1", "hp.rar"}
// When response isn't required
request.Post("https://google.com", multipartContent).None();
// Or
var resp = request.Post("https://google.com", multipartContent);
// And then read as string
string respStr = resp.ToString();
string html = request.Get("https://google.com").ToString();
string title = html.Substring("<title>", "</title>");
var httpResponse = httpRequest.Get("https://yoursever.com");
string responseHeader = httpResponse["X-User-Authentication-Token"];
var resp = request.Get("http://google.com/file.zip");
string response = request.Get("https://twitter.com/login").ToString();
var cookies = request.Cookies.GetCookies("https://twitter.com");
foreach (Cookie cookie in cookies) {
// concat your string or do what you want
Console.WriteLine($"{cookie.Name}: {cookie.Value}");
Your proxy server:
// Type: HTTP / HTTPS
httpRequest.Proxy = HttpProxyClient.Parse("");
// Type: Socks4
httpRequest.Proxy = Socks4ProxyClient.Parse("");
// Type: Socks4a
httpRequest.Proxy = Socks4aProxyClient.Parse("");
// Type: Socks5
httpRequest.Proxy = Socks5ProxyClient.Parse("");
Debug proxy server (Charles / Fiddler):
// HTTP / HTTPS (by default is HttpProxyClient at
httpRequest.Proxy = ProxyClient.DebugHttpProxy;
// Socks5 (by default is Socks5ProxyClient at
httpRequest.Proxy = ProxyClient.DebugSocksProxy;
request.Cookies.Set(string name, string value, string domain, string path = "/");
// or
var cookie = new Cookie(string name, string value, string domain, string path);