(If you've been following the RC's, this is close to v0.12.2rc9, but we decided it had accumulated enough features for a minor version bump)
- State is persisted through app close and re-open, resulting in faster opens
- Desktop notifications on downloads finishing (gif)
- Support webm, ogg, m4v, and a few others
- Translations added to build process
- Claim IDs are shown in your published files
- Upgraded to lbry daemon 0.13, including updating API signatures
- Channels resolve much faster
- Resolve is no longer cancelled on navigate
- Updated API and authentication used by rewards process
- Improved security of reward credential storage
- Additional information submitted in DMCA reports
- Switched packaging to yarn
- Fix help menu force reloading whole app
- Show page updates correctly when navigating from show page to another show page
- NSFW setting respected on show page
- URI handling navigates to correct page if app is closed
- URI handling issues specific to Windows (maybe)
- Changing the NSFW setting refreshes properly (previously required app restart)
- The author metadata field is no longer shown, in favor of first-class identities
- Availability is no longer checked before showing Download options, due to unreliability