The following code implements the coreset for dictionary learning algorithm as it appears in
- Feldman D., Feigin M. and Sochen N., “Learning Big (Image) Data via Coresets for Dictionaries”, in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, March 2013
- Feigin M., Feldman D. and Sochen N., “From High Definition Image to Low Space Optimization”, in Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM), Ein-Gedi, Israel, 2011
The code for building a Coreset for KSVD dictionary learning is included in the following two files:
KSVD Coreset code | KSVDCoresetAlg.m |
SVD Coreset code | SVDCoresetAlg.m |
Note that the second file is only needed if a non constant first approximation is requested.
Two auxiliary functions that may be of use, decompose an image into a patches and build the vector matrix, and re-composition of the image. Note that these version do not create overlapping patches, which are required for some algorithms (mainly denoising) that use KSVD.
Decompose image into patch vectors | BuildY.m |
Rebuild image from vectors matrix | YToImage.m |
The code itself is easy to use.
To compute a dictionary using KSVD the KSVD-Box and OMP-Box code by Ron Rubinstein is needed. Original versions can be downloaded from here. For reference see:
- Rubinstein, R., Zibulevsky, M., and Elad, M., "Efficient implementation of the K-SVD algorithm using batch orthogonal matching pursuit" in CS Technion, 2008
Next, the easiest approach is to just compute the actual dictionary by:
Create a new KSVDCoresetAlg object
K = KSVDCoresetAlg;
Change the default settings for K.sampleSize and K.svdVecs if needed
Decompose images into patches to get the input to the dictionary learning code (default is 8 X 8 patches)
P = BuildY(img);
Compute the dictionary (note that the input vectors are given in the rows of P).
D = K.computeDictionary(P, sparsity, dictsize, KSVD_iter_num);
Compute the reconstruction coefficients for the dictionary
X = omp(D, P, D'*D, sparsity);
Reconstruct patches from dictionary and coefficients
RP = D*X;
Reconstruct the image from the reconstructed patches (assumes default block size)
P = YToImage(RP, size(img));
The Coreset may be obtained directly by using the K.computeCoreset function, but note the implementation in K.computeDictionary as to the correct usage of the approximated dictionary (variable tD in K.computeDictionary)