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CAPTURE (Custom Analysis Pipelines Tailored for Universal Reproducibility and Efficiency) is a framework and command line interface (CLI) for computational science.


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CAPTURE A framework and command line interface (CLI) for computational science.

Table of Contents


curl -sSL | bash
source ~/.bash_profile

Update to the current version

cap update

CLI usage

The cap CLI provides commands to help with reproducible research.

cap <command> params...


Displays CAPTURE environment variables.


cap env


$ cap env



Shows help for the cap command line tool.


cap help [COMMAND]


$ cap help

  Usage: cap COMMAND ...

    The following subcommands are available.

    env        Displays CAPTURE environment variables.
    help       Shows help for the cap command line tool.
    md5        Calculates a combined MD5 checksum for one or more files.
    new        Creates a new reproducible research project.
    run        Runs a CAPTURE framework job.
    update     Updates the CAPTURE framework to the latest version.
    version    Displays the currently installed version of CAPTURE.

$ cap help md5

  Calculates a combined MD5 checksum for one or more files.

  The "md5" command produces a combined MD5 checksum for all the files
  specified.  It will show a list of all files included to ensure that the
  result is as expected.

    cap md5 FILE...

    FILE... can be one or more file and/or directory specifications.

    $ cap md5 *

    Files included:
    43bd364a97a38fb1da7c57e6381886c1  capture/LICENSE
    b794df25f796ac80680c0e4d27308bce  capture/commands/
    0d9281c3586c420130bcb5d25c8a151a  capture/lab
    5e79c988140af1b7bd5735b0bf96306b  capture/
    783a44ffae97afbce3f1649c5ff517a5  capture/

    Combined MD5 checksum:


The md5 command produces a combined MD5 checksum for all the files specified. It will show a list of all files included to ensure that the result is as expected. The purpose of this command is to determine whether files downloaded or created are complete and accurate.


cap md5 [options] FILE...

FILE... One or more file and/or directory names or patterns. For directories,
        all files in the directory and its subdirectories will be included.


        Lists the files that will have md5sums calculated in order to
        verify the expected files are included.  This is helpful when
        the files are large and take a long time to process.

        Exclude files matching the file PATTERN based on the full relative
        path. If the option is specified multiple times, all files matching
        any of the patterns will be EXCLUDED (logical OR). The selector will
        generally have wildcards. Ensure patterns are quoted ("*pattern*") to
        prevent unintended shell expansion.

        Specify an output file name to write the results to.

        Include only files matching the file PATTERN based on the full relative
        path. If the option is specified multiple times, all files matching
        any of the patterns will be INCLUDED (logical OR). The selector will
        generally have wildcards. Ensure patterns are quoted ("*pattern*") to
        prevent unintended shell expansion.

        Runs the md5 command as a Slurm job. If the value is run then
        srun is used and the output stays connected to the current
        terminal session.  If the value is batch then sbatch is used and
        the output is written to cap-md5-<job_id>.out unless the -o or --output
        option is specified.


Calculate md5 sums for all files in a directory and its subdirectories.

cap md5 files/*

Files included:
b3ac2b8b9998bf504ef708ec837a4cce  files/one.bin
8d62064673ecb2a440b8802a2f752e8a  files/outs/four.bin
74a08ee2de381ec8e19da52ad36bb5ae  files/outs/three.bin
009c79f013fe8d4d97c95bf5ceea68ed  files/two.bin

Combined MD5 checksum:

Calculate md5 sums for files in the subdirectory named "outs".

cap md5 --select "*/outs/*" files/*

Files included:
8d62064673ecb2a440b8802a2f752e8a  files/outs/four.bin
74a08ee2de381ec8e19da52ad36bb5ae  files/outs/three.bin

Combined MD5 checksum:

Calculate md5 sums for files not in the subdirectory named "outs".

cap md5 --ignore "*/outs/*" files/*

Files included:
b3ac2b8b9998bf504ef708ec837a4cce  files/one.bin
009c79f013fe8d4d97c95bf5ceea68ed  files/two.bin

Combined MD5 checksum:


The cap new command will create a new research project based on the project-template submodule in the capture repository. The project repository will be created with the origin remote pointed to a Github repository owner specified by the Github account and project name parameters.


cap new [options] PROJECT_NAME

PROJECT_NAME Name of the project which will be used for the directory name.
			 It should also match the git host repo name if one is used.


		   Git host for the repository used for creating git remotes.  The
		   default is "".
		   Git host owner the project repo will be created under.  This may
		   be a personal or organization account.
		   Skip making the project a git repository in order to allow
		   the use of other source control software.


$ cap new lasseignelab PKD_Research

Create an empty repository for 'PKD_Research' on GitHub by using the
following link and settings:

  * No template
  * Owner: lasseignelab
  * Repository name: PKD_Research
  * Private
  * No README file
  * No .gitignore
  * No license

Where you able to create a repository (y/N)? y

Cloning into 'PKD_Research'...


Happy researching!!!


The cap run command runs a CAPTURE framework job within the context of a reproducible research project. It will configure the environment based on configuration defined by the current user.


cap run [options] FILE

FILE  File name of the job to run.


           Specifies the environment to run jobs in.  Environments allow
           different setups for a pipeline.  For instance, a pipeline may
           use internal copies of data during development but download that
           data when the pipeline is ran in a different environment.
           Displays the contents of the job to run along with the context
           it will run in.


$ cap run src/

View job output with the following command:
cat logs/01_down_20241118_090854_tcrumley*

Submitted batch job 29818073

Runtime environment

The runtime environment is configured with the following variables available to Slurm scripts.

  • CAP_PROJECT_NAME: The name of the project given with the cap new command.
  • CAP_ENV: The name of the current execution environment. Defaults to the value "default". A shell script in config/environments with a name matching the environment name will be executed during the CAPTURE configuration process, e.g. config/environments/ This variable will generally be set in the ~/.caprc file. It is possible to set it as a shell environment variable somewhere like ~/.bash_profile. Another option is to provide it before a command, e.g. CAP_ENV=mylab cap run Finally, some commands provide an option for environment such as cap run --environment=mylab
  • CAP_PROJECT_PATH: Path to the root directory of the project.
  • CAP_LOGS_PATH: Path to where log files will be written. Defaults to <project-path>/logs.
  • CAP_DATA_PATH: Path to where data files will be written. Defaults to <project-path>/data.
  • CAP_RESULTS_PATH: Path to where analysis results will be written. Defaults to <project-path>/results.
  • CAP_CONTAINER_PATH: Path to where container files such as Docker will be maintained. Defaults to <project-path>/bin/docker.
  • CAP_CONDA_PATH: Path to where conda files will be maintained. Defaults to <project-path>/bin/conda.
  • CAP_RANDOM_SEED: A randomly generated seed to facilitate reproducible random number generation.

Environment variables can be configured with the following configuration files.

|-- etc/
`   |-- caprc

`-- .caprc

|-- .caprc
|-- config/
|   |--
|   `-- environment/
|       |--
`       `-- <lab-name>.sh

Configuration files are loaded in the following order:

  • <project-path>/config/ Configuration to bootstrap the runtime environment. This file is configured by the cap new command with the CAP_PROJECT_NAME variable set to the name given as a parameter.
  • defaults: The defaults described in the environment variable section are set at this point.
  • /etc/caprc: Configuration set by an organization.
  • ~/.caprc: Configuration set for a specific user. This is a good place to source in lab specific configuration.
  • <project-path>/.labrc: Configuration specific to a project.
  • <project-path>/config/environments/<CAP_ENV>.sh: Configuration specific to a project and the environment it is being executed in. The configuration should only contain reproducible configuration that will work in any Slurm environment. Other lab specific environment files can contain non- reproducible configuration but the job must also work in the default environment for reproducibility. An example of environment specific configuration would be creating symlinks in the data directory for sharing large datasets internal to a lab while also downloading the data when the symlink does not exist. See cap_data_link.


The cap update command will upgrade the CAPTURE framework to the latest version.


cap update


$ cap update

Switched to branch 'main'
Already up-to-date.

CAPTURE updated to version v0.0.1.


The cap version command will display the currently installed version of CAPTURE.


cap version


$ cap version


Verification helper functions


Verifies that data generated by a script is reproduced.

Job helper functions


Retrieves a value from an array file based on a zero based index.

cap_array_value FILE [INDEX]
  • FILE The file containing an array value on each line.
  • INDEX The optional zero based index for the value of the array.

If a value is not provided for INDEX then the SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID environment variable will be used as the default.

Example that retrieves array values based on the Slurm environment variable default index.

sample=$(cap_array_value "$CAP_DATA_PATH/sample_list.array")

Example with a for loop:

for index in {1..10}; do
  sample=$(cap_array_value "$CAP_DATA_PATH/sample_list.array" index)
  # Do something with each sample value.


Downloads data into the data directory.

cap_data_download [options] URL
  • URL The URL of the file to download.


  • --md5sum The md5sum to check against the file being downloaded.
  • --unzip Unzips and/or unarchives downloaded files.

The file will be downloaded with the same name as specified by the URL. If the --unzip option is provided then it will be unarchived into the data directory. The data directory is specified by CAP_DATA_PATH which defaults to CAP_PROJECT_PATH/data.

If the file or directory already exists in the data directory then it will not be downloaded again. This is also true when the file or directory has been symlinked into the data directory by cap_data_link.

The following example will download and unarchive a directory into CAP_DATA_PATH/refdata-gex-GRCm39-2024-A.

cap_data_download \
  --unzip \
  --md5sum="37c51137ccaeabd4d151f80dc86ce0b3" \

Environment helper functions

Functions to facilitate setting up environments for CAPTURE to operate in. Environments help create reproducible pipelines by allowing authors to work in their unique development setup, which may only work for them, and reviewers to run pipelines in a default environment that should work anywhere. Environment files are stored in the config/environments directory.


Creates a symbolic link in the data directory. A common use is to prevent duplicate storage of large datasets in the author's compute environment. By linking to a shared copy, multiple authors won't create multiple copies. This function is often used in conjunction with cap_data_download, where cap_data_link prevents cap_data_download from downloading a new version of previously downloaded data while ensuring the data will be downloaded in other environments such as the default environment.

cap_data_link <FILE>|<DIR>
  • <FILE>|<DIR> The full path to a file or directory.

The symbolic link will have the same name as the specified file or directory and will be created in the directory specified by CAP_DATA_PATH which defaults to CAP_PROJECT_PATH/data.

The following example will create a symbolic link at $CAP_DATA_PATH/mouse and should be included in an environment file in config/environments, e.g config/environments/ The $MY_LAB environment variable should be created in a .caprc file (See Runtime environment).

cap_data_link "$MY_LAB/genome/mouse"

To use the my_lab environment when running a job, use the cap run command with the -e/--environment option like in the following example.

cap run -e my_lab src/


CAPTURE (Custom Analysis Pipelines Tailored for Universal Reproducibility and Efficiency) is a framework and command line interface (CLI) for computational science.







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