The Main unit does not send any data unless it's first asked for data. (With no WiFi comm, the TX/RX leads are dead silent.) Checksum is the simple addition of all bytes in the packet AFTER the 0xAA header byte.
it is observed the following "master output" data packets:
[0xAA] [0x55] [0x00 0x00 0x00] [checksum] -> "Read Status"
MSB responds ~300mS later with the following data string
[0xAA] [0xBB] [16: BatteryVoltage x.1] [16: BatteryAmps x.1] [16: SolarVolts x.1] [16: SolarWatts x1] [16: Temperature C x.1] [16: Cumulative KWH] [16: ???] [ModeFlags] [ErrorFlags] [0x00] [checksum]
note: all "16" registers are 2-byte little-endian 16-bit values. For example, battery voltage bytes of [0x53] [0x01] -> 0x0153 -> 339 decimal = 33.9v
- [ModeFlags]...only seen 1 bit ever get set:
- 7:
- 6:
- 5:
- 4:
- 3:
- 2: MPPT Mode Active
- 1:
- 0:
- [ErrorFlags]...only got 2 bits set, but maybe I haven't had too many errors yet...
- 7:
- 6:
- 5:
- 4:
- 3:
- 2:
- 1: Battery Overvoltage
- 0: Battery Undervoltage
- [0xAA] [0xCB] [register] [0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00] [checksum] -> "Read Config Register"
- [0xAA] [0xCA] [register] [16: data x1000] [0x00 0x00 0x00] [checksum] -> "Write Config Register"
- all data in these registers seems to be multiplied by 1,000 (decimal) for whatever reason
- register 0x00 -> special case function, see below
- register 0x01 -> MPPT Bulk Voltage * 1000 (i.e. 0x48 0x71 -> 0x7148 -> 29,000 -> 29.000v
- register 0x02 -> MPPT Float Voltage * 1000
- register 0x03 -> Out Timer * 1000 (why??! 5,000 decimal = 5 hours. App won't let you do partial hours though.)
- register 0x04 -> MPPT Amps * 1000
- register 0x05 -> UVP Off Voltage * 1000
- register 0x06 -> UVP Recover Voltage * 1000
- register 0x07 -> COM Address * 1000 (pretty sure, app won't let this change)
- register 0x08 -> Battery Type * 1000 (0 = SLA, 1 = LiPo, 2 = LiLo, 3 = LiFe, 4 = LiTo--assuming, app won't accept anything other than SLA / LiPo)
- register 0x09 -> Battery Cells * 1000 (app doesn't seem to allow anything other than least for my 24v SLA battery test rig.)
- Regardless of whether function code is Read or Write, MSB responds ~150mS later with the following string:
- [0xAA] [0xDA] [register] [16: data x1000] [0x00 0x00 0x00] [checksum]
the "request data" packet is as follows: [0xAA] [0x55] [0x00 0x00 0x00] [checksum] -> "Read Status"
Without a proper "checksum", the MSB will not respond. As the "checksum" is the simple sum of all the bytes AFTER the 0xAA "device ID" byte, the checksum for a read command will be 0x55.
So a full "read" packet should be: [0xAA] [0x55] [0x00] [0x00] [0x00] [0x55]
and the MSB should respond within 300mS
copied from Sid Genetry Solar special thanks goes to Amjed Nizam