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Version History

lasermtv07 edited this page Dec 27, 2022 · 5 revisions

Version history


Version number has two (or three) digits; the first one says if the version is beta or not (0 is beta, 1 not), the second is major version number (major 1, 2,3..) and the third is minor release number.


Beta 0.1

  • Initial upload, basic functionality
    Link: Download

Beta 0.1.1

  • Fixed a major bug ( was struggling writing capital letters - changed function from keyboard library)
  • Added changelog command
    Link: Download

Beta 0.2

  • Updated the CLI
  • Added switches support
  • Removed voluntary arguments' support
  • Removed the changelog command, replacing it with version /c
    Link: Download

Beta 0.3

  • Readded voluntary arguments
  • Allowed linux-style switches writing
  • Added aliases
  • Added the tip command
  • Migrated from keyboard to pynput library (linux compatibility issues)
  • First stable linux build
    Link: Download

Beta 0.3.1 (Current)

  • Fixed bad help
  • tip now gets called automatically when u use version
    Link: Download
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