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@gandesc gandesc released this 11 Jan 16:16
· 59 commits to master since this release


This release upgrades the UI to Vue 3 and also includes under the hood refactor
for a few core components. We've tried to maintain overall component compatibility
and done our best to document the breaking changes.

Depending on how complex the UI for your project is, the upgrade may take
anywhere from a 1.5h to many days, so please take your time to go through the Enso changelog,
especially the upgrade steps AND also the Vue3 upgrade guide linked below.


All packages have had their dependencies and dev dependencies updated and pruned.
Many packages have had linter recommended fixes.


  • the DateIntervalFilter & EnsoDateIntervalFilter components have been retired


  • added an all() method, that returns all errors

pull-to-refresh (new)

This a new Enso package, forked from lakb248/vue-pull-refresh
and updated to work with Vue3.


  • fixed element deselection when the select was used in 'object' mode

Private packages


  • aligned products index page style & updated table filters/state


  • updated the invoice issuing routes
  • improved items display


  • fixed auto pricing controls
  • fixed auto pricing conditions
  • updated emag dependent filters to auto clear when deactivating emag
  • fixed can-access usage; improved Emag.vue
  • added new product filters for emag offers; added new visual indicator for "genius"


  • small fix for products index styling


  • form cleanup



  • fixed ordering bug


  • updated state Meta: removed csrf token


  • removed the expanded sidebar key (cleanup)


  • fixed excel export on all scenarios
  • fixed authenticates on export
  • fixed style
  • updated to allow sortable for nested columns (should be used carefully);
  • extracted Computor from Data
  • improved excel export -> fetcher needs to be redesigned
  • improved excel preparing


  • updated form to use the new permissions.options route

Private packages


  • updated addresses logic for the sale form
  • fixed status filter
  • improved stock values computation
  • removed created/updated_by fields from being exportable
  • bugfix: only perform invoice cancellation if invoice exits
  • implemented the possibility to enable per sale channel opt-in/out for sale notifications
  • fixed acquisition price in stock values Computor
  • removes unneeded relation loads; fixed style


  • removed the back button for the modal form


  • fixed group & attribute reordering bug
  • small Attribute factory fix


  • fixed missing return
  • refined stock management
  • improved code to keep the local offer in sync with the emag remote offer on each upload
  • improve order flow for edge cases when API is down


  • added order update webhook endpoint,
    append product lot to product name and order notes
  • small refactor
  • added logging for api callbacks
  • expiration date flow enhancements

Vue Migration Build

In order to migrate a project, we will use the Vue3 Migration Build as an intermediary step, upgrade the code to make it Vue3 compatible, then finally switch to the regular Vue3 build.

Please read the official documentation linked above, so you have a better understanding of the process.

In order to use the migration build, it needs to be imported and configured:

  • in client\package.json: "@vue/compat": "^3.2.20",
  • in vue.config.js, within the chainWebpack config:
        config.resolve.alias.set('vue', '@vue/compat');
            .tap(options => ({
                compilerOptions: {
                    compatConfig: {
                        MODE: 2,
                        COMPILER_V_BIND_OBJECT_ORDER: false,
                        COMPILER_IS_ON_ELEMENT: false,
  • in client\src\js\enso.js:
        RENDER_FUNCTION: false,
        INSTANCE_LISTENERS: false,
        COMPONENT_V_MODEL: false,
        ATTR_FALSE_VALUE: false,

The package & snippets are already present in the Enso release, but they will be commented out, so in order to enable the migration build, open the relevant files and uncomment the blocks above.

Note that the compiler migration build flags belong to the vue.config.js file and require the restart of HMR (if using it) while all other flags belong to the client\src\js\enso.js file.

Vue Dev Tools

For Vue3, a new browser devtools plugin is needed and can be installed along side the Vue2 plugin.

Upgrade Steps

In addition to upgrading the Enso UI to make it Vue3 compatible, we've also made some other changes to a few Enso components some of which may impact your local code.

  • update the following files with the latest versions

    • .babel.config.js
    • .eslintrc.js
    • vue.config.js
    • client\src\js\enso.js
    • client\package.json
    • client\src\sass\enso.scss
  • enable the migration mode, as noted above

  • run yarn && yarn upgrade and start HMR

  • you should be able to login into the application and will probably have some (lots of) errors and warnings

  • the deprecated legacyBuild flow for building the application state has been removed entirely store.js

  • we have aimed to remove global components and instead import them for each use case

    • the fa component is no longer global and needs to be imported locally, where used
      import { FontAwesomeIcon as Fa } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome';
      components: { ..., Fa, ... },
    • the global http axios alias is no longer available,
      instead it should be injected as required:
      myMethod() {
      inject: ['http']
      myMethod() {
  • if using any @hook:... hooks, replace all usages with @vnode-... docs

  • in all of your renderless components you can set the inheritAttrs: false, attribute to eliminate warnings about inherited attributes

  • $listeners has been removed / merged into $attrs. See docs

    You need to remove v-on="$listeners" usages.
    Note that in such cases, you will probably need to cascade events, either directly or via v-bind="$attrs" if applicable.

  • $scopedSlots property is removed and all slots are exposed via $slots as functions. See docs.

    You should replace this.$ with this.$ in your render functions

  • update the slot syntax, by replacing v-slot:xxx with #xxx

  • if you are still using the deprecated named / scoped slot syntax, update it to the latest syntax first (which is already supported in 2.6)
    For example, replace

    <template slot-scope="{ count }">


    <template #default="{ count }">
  • the beforeDestroy hook has been renamed to beforeUnmount - you should replace all usages project wide. See docs

  • when using $el within components, ensure that there is a single root within the element (e.g. <div>)

  • when emitting events in components (e.g. $emit('click')), it is recommended to declare/list the emitted events:

    emits: ['click'],
  • for components, the value property has become modelValue and the input event has been replaced with update:modelValue. See docs

    When listening on 'value' changes on components, you need to replace @input="xxx" with @update:model-value="xxx".
    In Vue3 you can also have multiple v-model bindings on the same component. See docs

  • in all of your renderless components you can set the inheritAttrs: false, attribute to eliminate warnings about inherited attributes

  • note that in Vue3 you can no longer programmatically destroy components as the $destroy() method has been removed. See docs

  • HTML bound attributes such as :disabled will be rendered as disabled="false" for false values, and if you need to not have them rendered, the bound attribute value needs to be evaluated to null or undefinded. See docs

  • if using watch on arrays, you need to add deep: true otherwise the callback may not be triggered. See docs

  • you no longer need to use $set & $delete to manage object attributes in order to keep responsiveness, you can use regular JS syntax. See docs.

  • if asynchronously loading components, the syntax has changed. See docs.

  • transitions have suffered a few changes. See docs

  • the render function API has changed. See docs

  • if using DateFilter or EnsoDateFilter please note:

    • the default property has been removed
    • the disabledOptions property has been renamed to excluded
    • the default property has been removed
    • value/v-model has become filter
    • using v-model for filter & interval is now required

    For example, replace

    • v-model="params.dateInterval" with v-model:filter="params.dateInterval"
    • :interval="" with v-model:interval=""

    where the attributes look like this

    params: {
        dateInterval: 'thisMonth',
    intervals: {
        products: {
            date: {
                max: null,
                min: null,
  • if emitting/listening to global events, you should import and refactor to using the eventBus instead. See docs.

    import eventBus from '@enso-ui/ui/scrc/core/services/eventBus';
    eventBus.$on('my-event', this.myHandler);
  • the <modal> component no longer needs a portal attribute/property, and you should delete all its usages

  • the AutosizeTextarea component has been updated and no longer needs to wrap around a textarea. Update:

        <textarea v-model="..."/>


    <autosize-textarea v-model="...">
  • filters are no longer supported, refactor as needed (you may use methods instead). For example, update:

    {{ value | numberFormat(2) }}


    {{ numberFormat(value, 2) }}
  • if you're using the automatic component registration, the syntax has changed from

    Vue.component('navbar-notification', Notification);
    App.registerNavbarItem('navbar-notification', 300, 'core.notifications.count');


    App.registerNavbarItem('navbar-notification', Notification, 300, 'core.notifications.count');
  • the v-tooltip library has been updated:
    Import has been updated from

    import { VPopover } from 'v-tooltip';


    import { Dropdown } from 'v-tooltip';

    Component has been updated:

    <v-popover trigger="hover"


    <dropdown :triggers="['hover']"

    The slot name has been updated:

    <template v-slot:popover>


    <template #popper>
  • we've switched to the standard (non compatibility) syntax for the animate animations. You should prefix animate related classes with animate__.
    For example, update:

    <enso-form class="box animated fadeIn">


    <enso-form class="box animate__animated animate__fadeIn">

    Alternatively, refactor using transition components.

  • the @enso-ui/bulma package has been deprecated and will no longer be maintained. You should refactor your components and import components from their respective packages.

Moving forward from Migration Build

Once you've migrated your local pages/components and packages,
you may switch from the migration build to the regular Vue3 build.

  • remove the customization from vue.config.js i.e. the code related to @vue/compat
    config.resolve.alias.set('vue', '@vue/compat');
        .tap(options => ({
            compilerOptions: {
                compatConfig: {
                    MODE: 2,
                    COMPILER_V_BIND_OBJECT_ORDER: false,
                    COMPILER_IS_ON_ELEMENT: false,
  • remove the compatibility customization to client\src\js\enso.js
        RENDER_FUNCTION: false,
        INSTANCE_LISTENERS: false,
        COMPONENT_V_MODEL: false,
        ATTR_FALSE_VALUE: false,
  • remove the "@vue/compat": "^3.2.20", dependency from client/package.json
  • run yarn, rebuild etc.

Known issues

  • in development, you will have warnings about Unexpected mutation of ... prop vue/no-mutating-props
    which can be ignored for now
  • the vuejs/vuex-router-sync
    has an unresolved issue
    that, at the time of writing, requires a patch package to fix
  • the Chrome devtools plugin is at v6.0.0-beta.21 (pre-release) and may throw
    a lot of errors such as Timed out getting app record for app which should not
    affect application functionality