Welcome to my Github Profile.
Right now I am a Research Fellow at the NUS, working with Prof. Roychoudhury in the Trustworthy and Secure Software Group. I'll be working mostly on automated programming and automated program repair with AI components. I got my PhD at the TU Delft in the Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) where I worked in the CISELab. My thesis is titled Tool-Driven Quality Assurance for Functional Programming & Machine Learning, and consist of half work on testing Models of Code and half tooling in and for Haskell. Some of my coolest work is with Matthi on improving tooling for Haskell!
I like:
- ☕ Java & 💜 Haskell
- 🔍 Testing
- 👥 Humans
- ⚱️ Pottery
I try to do everything open source, so most of the repositories you see here have .
If you want to reach me, you can either
- 📧 email me at the emails on my github profile (Sorry, but they change a lot for researchers 🤔)
- ❗ Open an issue anywhere around and @ me
- 👋 find me somewhere in singapore, or stop me at a conference.