Release of Draco-7_2_0
2011 commits
to develop
since this release
- Draco has been updated to version 7_2_0.
Draco-7_2_20190613, build date 2019/06/13;build type: Debug;DBC: 7;
CCS-2 Draco Team: Kelly G. Thompson, Kent G. Budge, Ryan T. Wollaeger,
Alex R. Long, James S. Warsa, Matt A. Cleveland, Kendra P. Long,
Tim Kelley, Jae H. Chang, Andrew T. Till, and David A. Dixon.
Prior Contributers: Gabriel M. Rockefeller, Allan B. Wollaber, Rob B. Lowrie,
Paul W. Talbot, Katherine J. Wang, Peter Ahrens, Daniel Holladay,
Jeff D. Densmore, Massimiliano Rosa, Todd J. Urbatsch, Jeff Furnish,
John McGhee, Kris C. Garrett, Mike Buksas, Nick Myers, Paul Henning,
Randy Roberts, Seth Johnson, Todd Adams, Tom Evans, and Lori Pritchett-Sheats.
Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Triad National Security, LLC. (C19028, LA-CC-16-016),
Released under a 3-Clause BSD License.
Summary of changes:
- 192 files changed, added or removed in 121 commits.
- #590 Begin supporting rzansel and sierra (ATS-2) machines (power9 + volta).
- #616, #623 Better support for some Darwin nodes (x86+volta, power9+volta, arm).
- #577 New Open Source License, Copyright record C19028
- #586 Add analytic electron-ion coupling coefficient support to CDI.
- #589, "#604":#604 Update device package and build system code to support newer CUDA (v9, v10).
- #592 Begin providing support for atomics.
- #620 Fix a "C++ static initialization fiasco" bug to fix broken static builds.
- #633 Enable 1D and 3D: mesh construction and X3D parsing
- #634 Provide a function to query env vars and provide access to SLURM info.
Corrected Defects
- #585, "#622":#622 Update the IPCRESS reader for python3.
- #606 Don't force DBS settings on clients
- #618 Provide an implementation for Processor_Group when C4=SCALAR.
- Bug 1151 Occasional mpirun errors on snow
- Bug 1242 Support machines where mpiexec is at /usr/bin
- Bug 1268 memory: needs more tests
- Bug 1399 tt-fey: fix sync_repository module errors
- Bug 1405 trinitite: new issues
- Bug 1409 Building cuda test/library fails due to pthread flag
- Bug 1418 Darwin: ARM regression fails to build draco
- Bug 1424 Regressions: switch to gcc/7.4.0 for nightly (new production compiler)
- Bug 1436 Unregistered dependency
- Bug 1441 Archive (gitlab) darwin & rzansel spack configs
- Bug 1442 Fix build warnings for darwin volta-x86 nodes
- Bug 1447 Create asc_packages recipes for TRT codes.
- Bug 1448 xlf2008_r issues weird warnings about incorrect arguments
- Bug 1505 cdi_ipcress_tIpcress_Interpreter_twomats_ipcress is failing for Win32-Release builds
- Bug 1513 numdiff syntax error on Win32
- Bug 1516 trinitite: Random123 issues after recent DST
New Features
- #579 Begin using CMake @include_guard@ and @cmake_host_system_information@
- #580 Introduce build system variable @SITENAME_FAMILY@ while improving perfbench regressions. Create a nightly regression that uses intel/19.0.1 and openmpi/3.1.2.
- #581 Update compiler flags used by IBM XL.
- #582 Update regression system for Darwin's volta-x86 nodes.
- #600 Add graphic dump reset time, to refine overwrite behavior
- #607 Begin supporting mpich.
- #612 Remove use of deprecated FindPythonInterp
- #619 Rename nGray_Analytic_MultigroupOpacity to Compound_Analytic_MultigroupOpacity
- #624 Provide a newer Docker container for CI testing
- Feature 1351 Regressions: activate newtools regression
- Feature 1410 update GPU_device to use modern cuda, print compute capability
- Feature 1420 Provide Electron-Ion coupling models through CDI
- Feature 1451 Specialize add_component_library macro to set separable compilation for CUDA files
- Task 1062 Prepare Darwin as sierra-proxy machine
- Task 1083 Darwin: demo power9+volta nodes
- Task 1149 setupMPI.cmake: use 'cmake_host_system_information'
- Task 1168 Demonstrate device singleton for GPUs on Darwin
- Task 1229 Port codes to ARM processors
- Task 1233 Attempt TPL build on power9 with xlc
- Task 1272 Work with FCI to obtain CC# for Draco-7 == Draco-6_25_0
- Task 1379 Add Draco and Branson spackages to spack
- Task 1411 Create nightly regression on Darwin
- Task 1419 LLNL: Provide needed TPLs at ucontrib
- Task 1503 Draco_Mesh constructor using face indexing
- Task 1534 Provide a slurm_info class
Known Defects
- Bug 1514 cuda+mpi issues on darwin power9 and arm
- Bug 1459 Demo cce/9 on capulin
- Bug 1446 DBS: If exe/lib has cu files --> force static link
- Bug 1444 Attempt to use clang on ATS-2 machines
- Bug 1443 CDash integration with GitHub
- Bug 1266 cdi_analytic: Code coverage improvements
- Bug 1265 Quadrature: Needs more unit tests
- Bug 1227 VS2017: tstSuperlu-dist not running?
- Bug 1148 perfbench time variation on snow
- Bug 59 cdi_eospac design flaw