This extension is inteded for lovers of keyboard shortcuts and people (devs?) who hate to use mouse / trackpad.
This chrome extension is inteded to make it very easy to access websites you frequently visit. You may wonder "why do I need this if Chrome remembers when I type things like 'facebook' and auto-completes?"
While that works fine if your accessing a website via it's root domain. But if you frequently use sites that have a subdomain that you don't wanna have to remember such as "" or something more complex where you have for example 2 google accounts with different calendars, while you could use the interface to toggle them, it's actually much easier to remember a short- cut like "cal" (for calendar) or "wcal" for work calendar for example.
You may find other helpful use cases and the best part is that if you set up a keyboard shortcut you can jump quikcly to just about anywhere in a new tab in a matter of a couple of keystrokes.