Student Name:
- Learn to use graphics in a user interface.
Create a application that takes the following as field input:
- Number of iterations. (find a good default)
- A fraction between 0.0 and 1.0. (default to 0.5)
- A color. (use a default of your choice)
- A gesture to select points.
- A gesture to clear the drawing.
Display a graphic in a user interface design by using a custom ImageView.
Have the user select a minimum of 3 vertex points in the ImageView by a gesture to start the drawing.
Draw Algorithm:
Once the vertex points are selected, pick a point as a starting location.
Randomly pick one of the vertices.
Move the user selected fraction [0.0, 1.0] towards the randomly selected vertex.
Draw a point of the selected color at the new location.
Using the new location as the starting location, loop for the user selected interations.
- extend AppCompatImageView and implement View.OnClickListener
- @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
- Do as little work as possible in your onDraw() function.
- See Canvas.drawPoint and documentation.
- See
- Read
- You will want to implement the derived ctors as described in: