This repo contains various aspects of using (curses) with Vala programming languange. Each example demonstrates some specific usage, for details refer to source code. Upon compiling for each Vala source file corresponding C source file is being generated, helps with debugging issues related to Vala's garbage collector, e.g. it may free() unused variable, making code misbehave in unobvious way. TIP: in order to prevent this, the best practice seems to use instance-level variables as much as possible, keep an eye on local variables and ownership.
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) and OSX 10.15 Catalina (with ncurses from homebrew, default ncurses seems out of commission)
sudo apt install build-essential libncurses libncurses-dev valac
brew install ncurses vala
make -j
Each demo will have fancy .exe extension, run it.