Required tables
Copy project to destination folder
Import database dump
Edit .env to your database connection settings:
####Routes table
Method | URI | Access | Description |
POST | api/v1.1/authenticate | - | User authentication |
GET | api/v1.1/authenticate/user | - | Get authenticated user |
GET | api/v1.1/refresh | - | Refresh user token |
GET | api/v1.1/logot | - | Invalidate user token |
GET | api/v1.1/albums | Admin only | Get all albums list |
POST | api/v1.1/albums | User only | Create new album for user |
GET | api/v1.1/albums/{albums} | Owner, admin, user with permission to see | Get album {album} |
PUT | api/v1.1/albums/{albums} | Owner, admin, user with permission to change | Update album |
DELETE | api/v1.1/albums/{albums} | Owner, admin, user with permission to change | Delete album |
GET | api/v1.1/users | Admin only | Get all users list |
POST | api/v1.1/users | - | Create new user |
GET | api/v1.1/users/{users} | User {users} or admin | Get the information about user {users} |
PUT | api/v1.1/users/{users} | User {users} or admin | Update information about user {users} |
DELETE | api/v1.1/users/{users} | User {users} or admin | Delete user {users} |
GET | api/v1.1/users/{users}/albums | User {users} or admin | Get the user {users} albums list |
####Authentication Authentication using JWT system.
For authentication required Authorization
header in query heders. Header value must match Bearer token_value
####Authorization System has 2 types of users:
- admin
- user
####Thumb Photos edit
To start the scheduler itself, only need to add one cron job on the server (using the crontab -e command), which executes php /path/to/artisan schedule:run
every minute in the day:
* * * * * php /path/to/artisan schedule:run 1>> /dev/null 2>&1
For more information see