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Docker Installation

rockeet edited this page Aug 23, 2018 · 10 revisions


Docker Installation

1. Create Docker Image

You can download Dockerfile directly from here:

Note: If you CPU supports BMI2, you can uncomment some lines in the Dockerfile for performance, please refer to the Dockerfile for more detail.

Then place this file into a directory, e.g. terark_mysql:


Create docker image from Dockerfile:

cd /home/terark_mysql
docker build -t terark/mysql .

Then wait for a moment, it will create an image named terark/mysql.

2. Create and run Docker container

docker run -it terark/mysql /bin/bash

Then you will enter the container's shell, our program is located at /home/terarksql-5.4-bmi2-1, to start and validate mysql(5.4-bmi2-1 means gcc-5.4, bmi2 supported, If your CPU doesn't support bmi2, please use bmi2-0 package):

# Start MySQL
cd /usr/local/terarksql-4.8-bmi2-0

# Enter mysql client shell
cd bin
./mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1

# Validate TerarkDB engine
select * from information_schema.ROCKSDB_CF_OPTIONS