Note: This repository is a part of Kraken Framework, but can be used freely as standalone library. If you are interested in more asynchronous components for PHP, check out the rest of Kraken repository or see our asynchronous application skeleton example.
Util is an aggregation of utility classes and helpers.
Util features:
- Implementation of Buffer pattern,
- Implementation of Enum pattern,
- Implementation of Factory pattern,
- Implementation of Parser pattern,
- Support for additional array functions,
- Support for additional string functions,
- Callbacks invoker,
- Callbacks isolator,
- Kraken Framework compatibility,
- ...and more.
See more examples in official documentation.
- PHP-5.6 or PHP-7.0+,
- UNIX or Windows OS.
composer require kraken-php/util
Tests are provided within our write-only Framework repository.
Documentation for this module can be found in the official documentation.
This library is read-only subtree split of Kraken Framework. To make contributions, please go to Framework repository.
This library licensed under the MIT license, see more information in Kraken Framework license section.