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Releases: kraftek/awsdownload

Patch for UI query and L8 rowpath search

05 Mar 08:10
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Version update

All pages query

03 Oct 09:34
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All pages query Pre-release

Added mode to retrieve all query results at once

Symlinks with tile filtering for local archive

29 Sep 15:00
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Added tile filtering capabilities for symlinks to products in a local archive

Symlinks for local archive

23 Aug 16:59
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Added support for creating symlinks if the products are present in the local file system (or network)

Pre-Operational Hub search for Sentinel-2B products

16 Aug 15:18
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Added search support (and download) for Sentinel-2B products which, for now, can be found only on the Pre-Operational Data Hub.

Landsat 8 search on AWS

11 Jul 17:58
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Added search on AWS for Landsat 8, both for Pre-collection and Collection 1.
New arguments added: --l8col (collection filter) and --l8pt (product type).
Extracted command line argument definitions outside the code.

Support for new Landsat8 format

13 Jun 15:32
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Added support for new collection split of Landsat 8 products

L2A Support

26 May 17:44
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Support for downloading Sentinel-2 L2A products from SciHub

Band Filter

04 Apr 15:50
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Added band filter (download only the given bands and their respective masks)
Added mode to only return search results (product names) without downloading them

Downloader with GUI

08 Dec 17:28
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Downloader with GUI Pre-release

Addition of a graphical interface for the downloader.
For now, the GUI supports only the following filtering parameters:

  • tile identifiers (both S2 and L8)
  • sensing start/end dates
  • cloud percentage
  • relative orbit

In a future release, there will be added:

  • download by product name
  • filtering using a WKT for the area of interest
  • proxy parameters


  • fix relative orbit padding for Amazon search