Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine
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KorGE is a modern multiplatform game engine for Kotlin. Features include:
- Hot Reloading
- KorGE supports HotReloading to see changes immediately without having to restart the application
- KProject support
- Share & re-use source code and resources via GitHub
- Debugger
- Live-debug your games
- 100% Kotlin
- KorGE is fully written in Kotlin and designed from the ground up to embrace modern and easy coding styles
- Multiplatform
- KorGE gradle plugin allows to target the following platforms: JVM for Android, JS & WASM for the Web, native code for iOS, and JVM/JS for Desktop
- Quick installation
- Install the KorGE IntelliJ Plugin or clone the “Hello World!” project and start making your own game in less than a minute
- Fully productive
- Since KorGE targets the JVM, you can develop your game, try it, debug it and test it using IntelliJ IDEA
- Tons of features
- KorGE is just the last layer of a larger stack (Korlibs) for multimedia development
- Small footprint
- KorGE has a very small footprint. It has no external dependencies and only uses the libraries available on each platform
For more information, visit:
KorGE and all the other korlibs in a single monorepo.
To use this version in other projects,
you have to publish it locally to mavenLocal,
and then use 999.0.0.999
as version:
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
If you want to make changes and easily try things.
You can run the korge-sandbox
module that runs
the src/commonMain/kotlin/Main.kt
you can make experiments there:
./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runJvm
./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runJs
./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runAndroidRelease
./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runIosDeviceRelease
Traditionally all the KorGE modules were published to central and their source code was available here, now they are available via kproject in separate repositories. You can find a catalog of all the published extensions here: