✨ Features
- Enable dynamic reports feature flag by @mturley in #1068
- Issues: Add single application table mode, add "Issues" link to app inventory detail drawer by @mturley in #1069
- Add
to display analysis details by @sjd78 in #1072 - Add refresh button to document viewer by @ibolton336 in #1087
- npm audit fix by @gildub in #1083
- Tag/TagCategory forms: fix placeholder text by @gildub in #1089
- Stakeholders: Add noDataEmptyState by @gildub in #1090
- Identities: Consistent display names for Jira auth by @gildub in #1091
- Fix Report button for Suggested adoption plan by @gildub in #1099
- Migration to PF V5 by @gildub in #1078
- Notifications: No lower case for Application when saving by @gildub in #1095
- Migration wave validation requires min. 3 characters by @gildub in #1096
- Jira: Add URL filter and sorting by @gildub in #1088
- Applications: No tooltip when no selections by @gildub in #1097
- Restore legacy select by @gildub in #1101
- Default value for tag sort by @gildub in #1108
- Tags: Mark stall data after create/edit mutation by @gildub in #1098
- Add Dependencies page & drawer by @ibolton336 in #1077
- Issues table: Add description column, render expanded description as markdown, render links under markdown in table and incident viewer, add alert text to all incidents tab by @mturley in #1116
- Bump PF V5 latest by @gildub in #1151
- Remove empty name column for issues in favor of description column by @mturley in #1152
- Use latest prerelease version for PF V5 by @gildub in #1155
- MigrationWave form: Properly notify user of duplicate wave by @gildub in #1173
- BusinessServices: Update Notification and refactors update/create modal and queries by @gildub in #1210
- Applications: Update Notification and refactors update/create modal by @gildub in #1207
- Migrationtargets: Update Notification and refactors update/create modal and queries by @gildub in #1211
- Jobfunctions: Update Notification and refactors update/create modal and queries by @gildub in #1209
- Refactor useFetchTasks()'s select function by @sjd78 in #1216
- Application tables: Refactor useEntityModal by @gildub in #1235
- Proxies: rest queries and notifications by @gildub in #1240
- PF5 todos comments follow-up by @gildub in #1233
- ApplicationAssessmentPageHeader refactor to remove useEntityModal by @gildub in #1246
- Regroup shared and common components along naming standardization by @gildub in #1248
- Initial Assessment page by @gildub in #1268
- Add questionnaire view driven from example yaml by @ibolton336 in #1285
- Convert assessment table to new table & begin assessment flow changes by @ibolton336 in #1294
- Add lock icon for "system" questionnaires by @avivtur in #1302
- Add upload YAML questionnaire form by @ibolton336 in #1290
- Add search toolbar and "all questions" tab to questionnaire view page, clean up layout by @mturley in #1313
- Introducing ActionsColumn Component in Assessment Table by @ibolton336 in #1314
- Add component for downloading the static report by @ibolton336 in #1312
- add autocomplete component by @gitdallas in #1295
- Remove pathfinder and convert assessment wizard to use new api by @ibolton336 in #1315
- Archetypes management: Add navigation and placeholder page component by @sjd78 in #1308
- Add actions kebab to archetypes table with stub dropdown items by @mturley in #1328
- Questionnaire delete confirmation by @avivtur in #1303
- Implement delete archetype kebab action by @mturley in #1333
- Wire up questionnaire upload to hub api by @ibolton336 in #1341
- Submit button IDs is submit by @gildub in #1342
- Dynamic assess button and view assessments page by @ibolton336 in #1325
- Show the name of objects to be deleted in the confirm delete modals by @mturley in #1347
- Archetype form for Create and Edit by @sjd78 in #1343
- Add stakeholders and stakeholder group fields to assessment wizard by @ibolton336 in #1349
- Fetch export questionnaire and application static report with refactor. by @gildub in #1322
- Manage applications form: empty data case by @gildub in #1352
- Update Applications Analyze table to pf5 by @gitdallas in #1353
- Selectors to uniquely identify dropdowns by @gildub in #1345
- Add Duplicate Archetype action by @mturley in #1371
- Add client-side pagination to Archetypes table by @mturley in #1370
- Fix missing archetype flow pieces by @ibolton336 in #1368
- Archetype drawer by @sjd78 in #1377
- Update Archetype form to work with hub backend by @sjd78 in #1379
- Add tooltip for auto-answered assessment questions by @mturley in #1380
- Add view archetypes page by @ibolton336 in #1381
- Review archetypes by @ibolton336 in #1376
- Reports: select Questionnaires by @gildub in #1374
- Reports - Current Landscape update risk handling by @sjd78 in #1395
- Add useLocalTableControlsWithUrlParams hook and update archetypes table to use it by @mturley in #1392
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Handle uploaded yaml with a single parsed value by @ibolton336 in #1081
- Save button always enabled for custom-target edit by @ibolton336 in #1082
- Update the
popover to handle long error messages by @sjd78 in #1079 - Pass all associated rule labels to analyzer by @ibolton336 in #1085
- Trackers: add noDataEmptyState by @gildub in #1084
- Allow the select and multiselect filter controls to scroll content by @sjd78 in #1094
- [main] Fix state management and validation of date pickers in migration wave modal by @mturley in #1111
- Fix double tab pane in issue incidents detail modal from PF upgrade by @mturley in #1104
- Always show analysis details in drawer by @ibolton336 in #1103
- Fix mismatched new/deprecated dropdown components in KebabDropdown by @mturley in #1126
- Fix colors for analysis details status icon by @ibolton336 in #1128
- Fix aggregated wave status. Reflect all states in Jira instance by @ibolton336 in #1124
- Restore deprecated
, use matching deprecatedDropdownItems
, useisAriaDisabled
prop for items with tooltips by @mturley in #1150 - Applications: bulk delete disabled when no selection by @gildub in #1149
- Add missing icon & fix open/close state by @ibolton336 in #1158
- Migration wave name is min 3/max 20 chars only when provided by @gildub in #1156
- Start notifications in upper case by @abrugaro in #1142
- Fix missing notification for adding tracker by @ibolton336 in #1176
- Use id field instead of name to uniquely select items by @gildub in #1174
- (various): styling issues with pf-v5-m vs pf-m by @gitdallas in #1177
- Add url validation to rules step by @ibolton336 in #1180
- Adjust Tags tab on Application Details Drawer when a Task is running by @sjd78 in #1191
- Fix PageSidebar structure and spacing of perpective selector above nav by @mturley in #1185
- Adjust Dropdown for deprecated table support in PF V5 by @gildub in #1154
- Use truncated first line of issue description everywhere we were using issue name by @mturley in #1186
- Fix wave display to show current users timezone by @ibolton336 in #1195
- Fix crashing app when deleting by @ibolton336 in #1202
- Hide hidden rulesets from seeded hub list by @ibolton336 in #1205
- Fix onChange handlers by @ibolton336 in #1230
- 1237 - fix status column widths by @gitdallas in #1238
- 1127 selected card styling issue by @gitdallas in #1251
- Fix application update by @ibolton336 in #1259
- Fix key file upload by @ibolton336 in #1257
- Reset wizard form after analysis run by @ibolton336 in #1267
- URL-encode ruleset and rule in affected apps page URL so it doesn't break when ruleset contains a slash (/) character by @mturley in #1272
- Add a fallback for issue title by @ibolton336 in #1273
- Add taskgroup when uploading binary by @ibolton336 in #1280
- Update validation method for forms to validate onBlur & onChange by @ibolton336 in #1310
- Fix tag rank input by @ibolton336 in #1296
- Fix
by @sjd78 in #1316 - Use onChange() instead of setValue() by @gildub in #1319
- Comment out application handler for now by @ibolton336 in #1327
- Respond to hub API changes for yaml download by @ibolton336 in #1329
- Unknown file name fallback for link text by @ibolton336 in #1330
- Regex to avoid substring matching on route paths by @ibolton336 in #1337
- allow svn source repos to be validated by @ibolton336 in #1346
- Swap reports download tooltip messages by @abrugaro in #1358
- ApplicationAnalysisStatus is required for status by @gildub in #1359
- Analysis details and cancelation are conditional by @gildub in #1360
- Remove redundant targets from defaults list and sort targets by @gildub in #1354
- Fix missing variant for dropdown by @ibolton336 in #1369
- Fix translation keys for import questionnaire form by @sjd78 in #1382
- Import questionnaire form - fix success toast message by @sjd78 in #1385
- Update query when assessment is deleted by @ibolton336 in #1386
- Fully unique ids for answer selections by @ibolton336 in #1387
- Don't allow archived questionnaires to be assessed by @ibolton336 in #1388
- Intitial values for stakeholders by @ibolton336 in #1389
- Fix
query key by @sjd78 in #1390 - Restore missing params object when fetching issuereports by @mturley in #1393
- Fix sorting on application inventory tables, misc cleanup in these tables by @mturley in #1396
- Fix inconsistent styles between app inventory tables, fix wrong drawer component being used on analysis table, remove stray character by @mturley in #1397
- Fix broken rendering of migration waves table rows, properly pass isExpandable prop in useTableControlProps by @mturley in #1398
- Assessment settings table columns empty by @ibolton336 in #1391
- Add missing clear handler for app import by @ibolton336 in #1400
- Save as Draft not working by @ibolton336 in #1401
- fix(autocomplete): tags not generated for preselected options by @gitdallas in #1403
- Applications form: Fix contributors and tags field handling by @sjd78 in #1408
- Business services: Fix create/edit when owner is included by @sjd78 in #1418
- String value breaking schema validation for repo type by @ibolton336 in #1415
- Fetch target images in auth envs by @ibolton336 in #1420
- fix styling for ssoMenu by @gitdallas in #1424
- Update the label for the Tag field on the Application Form by @sjd78 in #1427
- Fix broken tag colors by moving LabelCustomColor from lib-ui and updating it for PF5 by @mturley in #1431
- fix issue with select menu getting cut by edge of modal by @gitdallas in #1428
- Fix broken analysis report download by @ibolton336 in #1407
- Add tooltip for weight column by @ibolton336 in #1433
- Shows client side loading state for jira tracker by @ibolton336 in #1409
- Application drawer > reports: show analysis details for successful task by @sjd78 in #1437
- Update archetype model, form and detail drawer to current hub spec by @sjd78 in #1438
- Convert dependency code to use rq & fix cyclic dep alert by @ibolton336 in #1419
- Add unique keys for answers and questions by @ibolton336 in #1430
- Continue button not showing after draft save by @ibolton336 in #1444
- Indicate if tags are applied on answer choice by @ibolton336 in #1445
- Application form handle manual tags w/o
attribute by @sjd78 in #1446 - Alert archetype has already been reviewed by @ibolton336 in #1449
- Async default values loading for assessment wizard by @ibolton336 in #1452
- Tag categories sort logic in form select by @ibolton336 in #1455
- Dedupe tags when selecting in app form by @ibolton336 in #1454
- Overlapping label targets fixed by @ibolton336 in #1457
- Add custom validation for max size error by @ibolton336 in #1458
- Missing assessment tags by @ibolton336 in #1459
- Don't allow save as draft on first page of wizard by @ibolton336 in #1461
- fix issue with nonkonveyor header styling by @gitdallas in #1465
- Save and review for archetypes by @ibolton336 in #1466
- Handle upload state for binary upload by @ibolton336 in #1467
- Add lists of associated apps & archetypes by @ibolton336 in #1470
- Remove app level risk by @ibolton336 in #1471
- determine assessment status from all assessments by @ibolton336 in #1474
- Add detail for archetype reviews in drawer by @ibolton336 in #1475
New Contributors
- @abrugaro made their first contribution in #1142
- @gitdallas made their first contribution in #1177
- @avivtur made their first contribution in #1302
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.0-beta.1