= Roadmap
- DONE Create an initial template that is installable and presentable in the Music/Addons section in the kodi.
- The following can be interchangeable a. Create a simple hello program that plays some stream from the net b. Open a sample gui
- Examine the various possibilities of audio plugins here as a test
= General Info =
Infos are taken from http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on_structure#Kodi_v17_Krypton_and_up
For kodi v16 and earlier we need the following contents ::
addon.py addon.xml fanart.jpg icon.png LICENSE.txt changelog.txt resources/ settings.xml language/ lib/ data/ media/
For kodi v17 and later we need the following contents ::
addon.py addon.xml LICENSE.txt resources/ settings.xml language/ lib/ data/ media/ fanart.jpg icon.png