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API Server for SRM

This server contains the two main api servers for the SRM project.

It makes use of these two libraries:

  • APISQL, for providing a read only query API to a DBMS
  • APIES, for providing a read only search and fetch API to an ElasticSearch instance


It maps these two route prefixes:

  • /api/db for apisql
  • /api/idx for apies

(for specific enpoints see the respective library documentation)


This image uses gunicorn for web serving.

It uses 4 workers and listens on port 5000.


All configuration is done via environment variables:

  • DATABASE_READONLY_URL - connection string for a read-only access to a DB instance
  • ES_INDEX_NAME - The ElasticSearch index name
  • ES_DATAPACKAGE - A URL pointing to a datapacakge describing the index and containing search hints
  • ES_HOST - Host for the ES instance
  • ES_PORT - Port of the ES instance
  • ES_HTTP_AUTH - Optional http auth for the ES instance in the following format: username:password