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Developer Documentation

Updating Documentation

You can make simple changes using the GitHub editor (example 📝).

To run a preview server locally, you'll need npm, ruby, and jekyll. 1

Building local instance

  1. npm install
  2. npm run jekyll-serve
  3. Open localhost:2038

Adding article

  1. Create new md file at docs/_articles/
    • Note: the file name becomes the url, so please use snake-case <3
  2. Article file needs a frontmatter with title
    title: How to Train a Dragon?
  3. Images go to docs/images/, and you add them with markdown:
    ![alt text](url "A title")

Updating styles

Two ways:

  • npm run styles-build: build styles once, apply prefixes
  • npm run styles-watch: build styles continously, no prefixes applied

Note: styles are built at pre-commit hook, to ensure you commit your changes and to ensure you don't edit docs/style.css directly (sorry!).


  1. macos comes with a system ruby, but it might not let you install gems like jekyll. The jekyll docs recommend something that failed after brew tried to compile lots of code. Instead I went with (1) brew install ruby (no version pin). (2) Use the brew ruby and move the gems folder — in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc, export GEM_HOME=$HOME/gems; export PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/ruby/bin:$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH". (3) gem install jekyll.


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