Main purpose is learning.
Lettuce (sałata) grown on field. Rabbits eat lettuce. Wolves eat rabbits. Animals are moving a board to eat best food possible. Animals also grow, breed and finally starve (when run out of food).
It is my first approach to write C# code using only Functional programming (not perfect, but for my current knowledge). Immutability and no dealing with state (no side effects). Yes, writing in functional style is possible in C#/.NET (starting with LINQ in .NET 3.5)
The case of Cellular automaton I guess is less efficient in functional approach than object oriented (not sure). So yes, my code can be inefficient.
- Some implementations from FieldBase (AddNewBorns(), GetAlive(), ...) should be probably moved to other class as static methods easy for testability. Not sure yet how to deal with inheritance.
- Interface method IFood Create(Position position, double food); should be moved to a factory.
- NeighborhoodGenerator should use Dictionary<Position, Positions[]>
Later rewritten whole app to F#.
"Azure Exproler" -> Sign in from rider to azure by browser. Click on Web project -> Azure -> Choose "wolves-and-rabbits" app -> Run
(Currently rewriting to .NET Core and Azure, so not everything is moved yet)