The Twilight struggle game itself is ranked first in world wide ranking This lightweight app is going to help you in playing the game.
Current version is hosted at
- there are 110 cards in game, if you see which cards have already been played, you are in better position
- many cards target specific countries. So it will be nice to reverse it and to have a fast overview of all possibble cards targeting my country
- after coming back to the game after month you forgot a lot. It helps to find out again, what are the cards
I usually play online using vassal engine.
- JavaScript
- KnockoutJS
- TypeScript (you need Web Essentails 2012 to generate .js when saving .ts files)
- C# (only for offline data parsing from other pages and converting to JSON)
- (probably will evolve towards Single Page Application). - for providing great website about the game. I am parsing knowlegde already entered there.
you are very welcome
Example of Iran. Cards with:
- red border are "Sure to be in somebody's hand now"
- no border are in the deck
- blue border are "Will come soon, but not in the deck yet" - if you are in early war this means cards after reshaftle and Mid War cards, in Mid Game this means cards after second reshaffle and Late War.
2013-05-11: Cards that are connected directly to a country (UK in this example) are shown first before cards connected with Region (Europe).
2013-05-09: All countries and cards are added. Connected cards are displayed on the map (not next to map like before), saves space.
2013-04-25: Hover over a country and you will see cards that are somehow connected to this country.
Undo a last card action you did (Discard or Remove).