Nagios plugin for checking SAP OSS
Command line:
This plugin will attempt to connect to SAPOSS server on SAP via saprouter
Please check SAP Note 182308 - Incorrect logon data in R/3 destination SAPOSS
- This plugin requires that the sapinfo program is installed
You can test SAPOSS conection running sapinfo with following options
$ sapinfo mshost=/H//S/3299/H/ r3name=OSS group=EWA client=001 user=OSS_RFC passwd=CPIC
$1 - saprouter
define command {
command_name check_saposs
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
If you want a availability graph then you need to turn on performance data for this check. (process_perf_data 1)
Please set SAPINFO_HOME to the directory where you installed sapinfo SAPINFO_HOME="/opt/rfcsdk/bin"