LQDN-on-Android is an Android application whose purpose is to easily retrieve informations about la Quadrature du Net for all interested people. Through this application, everybody can participate, reading press releases and press review, sending articles to the press review to enrich it.
Like in any free software project:
- clone it
- compile it
- code
- optional: talk to me about it via acyd_klorydryk [at] hotmail.com or look at klorydryk via irc on irc.freenode.net#lqdn-travail
- send a pull request on github
- I merge your code
- Let's continue !
Eclipse and (of course) android SDK should be installed. Minimum Android version is 2.2 (but that's an arbitrary decision). This is my first application, so the code needs to be cleaned and improved.
- add a link to and tools from RespectMyNet project for the Net Neutrality.
- ...
Project licenced under GPLv3