My dotfiles. I don't recommend running these as your own. I'm sharing them so you can steal things for your own dotfiles.
Clone onto your laptop:
git clone
Install and configure the following:
Make the 1Password SSH agent path consistent with Linux:
mkdir -p ~/.1password
ln -s ~/Library/Group\ Containers/ ~/.1password/agent.sock
Make zsh the default shell:
apt-get install zsh # if necessary
Install spaceship prompt:
git clone --depth=1 $HOME/.local/state/zsh/spaceship
Apt has a very old version of NeoVim. Install NeoVim 0.8.0 or later:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install neovim
With all the prerequisites out of the way; install the actual dotfiles using rcm:
Many scripts and configurations have been inspired by thoughtbot's laptop script and dotfiles. I've also stolen many things from Gordon Fontenot.