This is a guide of FT deployment, which includes how to make the contract code, test the deployment and deploy on kaia network.
- build a contract code via Kaia Contract Wizard (
- Setup the developement environment using Hardhat framwork (
- compile the contract code in the environment
- Writing test code, which is not normal hardhat testing code but "real code"
- move to Wizard webpage (
- click the
tab (KIP7 is a fungible token standard for kaia) - edit the
(ex. Name: Wrapped Klay, Symbol: WKLAY) - edit
amount when deploying the contract (ex. 1000 means) - (Optional) additional features : Mintable, Burnable, .... (ex. if your project need to mint extra tokens after premint)
- (Optional) access control (if you want to control the access of this contract, please check Access Control)
prerequisite: node >= 18.0
$> mkdir ft-deploy && cd ft-deploy
$> npm init # and follow the guide for initializing npm project
$> npm i --save-dev hardhat@^2.22.12
$> npx hardhat init # and follow the guide for initializing hardhat project
$> delete contract/lock.sol, test/lock.ts and ignite folder
npm i --save-dev ts-node typescript # if you select the typescript when initializing
npm i --save @kaiachain/contracts @kaiachain/ethers-ext
- create a file that has .sol extension (ex. HappyToken.sol)
- copy and paste the code generated from
Kaia Contract Wizard
- run
npx hardhat compile
- got the artifacts/contracts/{filename}.sol/{filename}.json
- create a file (test/ft-test.ts)
- copy and paste following code
- run
npx hardhat test
, which deploy the token contract to hardhat local node
import { expect } from "chai";
import hre from "hardhat";
import { parseKaia } from "@kaiachain/ethers-ext";
// replace the json file path you get from the compile step
import tokenContract from "../artifacts/contracts/HappyToken.sol/HappyToken.json";
describe("KIP-7 TEST", function () {
var contractAddr = "";
beforeEach("Deploy KIP-7 based token (Happy Token)", async function () {
// Get the first account as the owner using hardhat
const [owner] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
const factory = new hre.ethers.ContractFactory(
const contract = await factory.deploy();
// ethers v5
await contract.deployTransaction.wait();
contractAddr = contract.address;
// ethers v6
// await contract.waitForDeployment();
// contractAddr = await contract.getAddress();
it("Transfer from project owner to user1", async function () {
const [owner, user1] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
const contract = new hre.ethers.Contract(
"Before: balance of user1: ",
parseKaia((await contract.balanceOf(owner.address)).toString()).toString()
// Transfer HappyToken from Project Owner to user1
await contract["safeTransfer(address,uint256)"](
// Get the first account as the owner using hardhat
const [owner, user1] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
This above example is getting two signers from hre (hardhat runtime environment), owner
and user1
. These are wallet instances from ethers inside hardhat and funded by hardhat for development convenience. You should create Wallet
instance by new Wallet(private key, provider)
. please look at wallet creation.
// ethers v5
await contract.deployTransaction.wait();
contractAddr = contract.address;
// ethers v6
await contract.waitForDeployment();
contractAddr = await contract.getAddress();
project has made a breaking change from v5 to v6. It affects to the hardhat project so if you are using old hardhat version, you can refer the v5
is a plugin library of ethers
so it has a dependency with ethers
version. Fortunately from ethers-ext@1.0.2, it's going to support the Ethers v5 and v6 respectively. Please look at how to switch Ethers version in switch ethers version with ethers-ext.