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Fungible Token Deploy on kaia network

This is a guide of FT deployment, which includes how to make the contract code, test the deployment and deploy on kaia network.


  1. build a contract code via Kaia Contract Wizard (
  2. Setup the developement environment using Hardhat framwork (
  3. compile the contract code in the environment
  4. Writing test code, which is not normal hardhat testing code but "real code"

1. Contract code

  • move to Wizard webpage (
  • click the KIP7 tab (KIP7 is a fungible token standard for kaia)
  • edit the Name and Symbol (ex. Name: Wrapped Klay, Symbol: WKLAY)
  • edit Premint amount when deploying the contract (ex. 1000 means 1000 10 18 )
  • (Optional) additional features : Mintable, Burnable, .... (ex. if your project need to mint extra tokens after premint)
  • (Optional) access control (if you want to control the access of this contract, please check Access Control)

2. Setup the development environment (Hardhat)

prerequisite: node >= 18.0


$> mkdir ft-deploy && cd ft-deploy
$> npm init # and follow the guide for initializing npm project
$> npm i --save-dev hardhat@^2.22.12
$> npx hardhat init # and follow the guide for initializing hardhat project
$> delete contract/lock.sol, test/lock.ts and ignite folder

install libraries

npm i --save-dev ts-node typescript # if you select the typescript when initializing
npm i --save @kaiachain/contracts @kaiachain/ethers-ext

3. Compile the contract code

  • create a file that has .sol extension (ex. HappyToken.sol)
  • copy and paste the code generated from Kaia Contract Wizard
  • run npx hardhat compile
  • got the artifacts/contracts/{filename}.sol/{filename}.json

4. Deployment of KIP7 token

  • create a file (test/ft-test.ts)
  • copy and paste following code
  • run npx hardhat test, which deploy the token contract to hardhat local node
import { expect } from "chai";
import hre from "hardhat";
import { parseKaia } from "@kaiachain/ethers-ext";

// replace the json file path you get from the compile step
import tokenContract from "../artifacts/contracts/HappyToken.sol/HappyToken.json";

describe("KIP-7 TEST", function () {
  var contractAddr = "";
  beforeEach("Deploy KIP-7 based token (Happy Token)", async function () {
    // Get the first account as the owner using hardhat
    const [owner] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();

    const factory = new hre.ethers.ContractFactory(
    const contract = await factory.deploy();

    // ethers v5
    await contract.deployTransaction.wait();
    contractAddr = contract.address;

    // ethers v6
    // await contract.waitForDeployment();
    // contractAddr = await contract.getAddress();

  it("Transfer from project owner to user1", async function () {
    const [owner, user1] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();

    const contract = new hre.ethers.Contract(

      "Before: balance of user1: ",
      parseKaia((await contract.balanceOf(owner.address)).toString()).toString()

    // Transfer HappyToken from Project Owner to user1
    await contract["safeTransfer(address,uint256)"](

Practical insights


// Get the first account as the owner using hardhat
const [owner, user1] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();

This above example is getting two signers from hre (hardhat runtime environment), owner and user1. These are wallet instances from ethers inside hardhat and funded by hardhat for development convenience. You should create Wallet instance by new Wallet(private key, provider). please look at wallet creation.

Ethers v5 vs Ethers v6

// ethers v5
await contract.deployTransaction.wait();
contractAddr = contract.address;

// ethers v6
await contract.waitForDeployment();
contractAddr = await contract.getAddress();

ethers project has made a breaking change from v5 to v6. It affects to the hardhat project so if you are using old hardhat version, you can refer the v5 code.


ethers-ext is a plugin library of ethers so it has a dependency with ethers version. Fortunately from ethers-ext@1.0.2, it's going to support the Ethers v5 and v6 respectively. Please look at how to switch Ethers version in switch ethers version with ethers-ext.


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