OpenVCB Editor BETA 0.6
Welcome to openVCB, a completely reimagined and rewritten version of the game Virtual Circuit Board.
Note: VCB is REQUIRED to be installed through Steam as an agreement with the developer. openVCB is designed to work with the latest VCB beta project format. Loading old save formats will not work. Old blueprints are ok.
- Native CustomASM support.
- Added ability to search by ctrl-F in assembly editor
- Rewrote rendering code. Drawing on a large canvas (>2048) no longer lags! Large canvases should be fully supported now.
- Floating tools panel now opens and closes much more smoothly and expectedly.
- Added vmem address line highlighting and follow in the assembly editor.
- Config no longer auto hides in the middle of changing it.
- Lots more small GUI fixes, QOL improvements, and general polish.
- Beefed up checks to avoid script kiddies.
- 0.61: Fixed bookmarks
- An optimized event based simulation engine which is anywhere from 2x to 4x the speed of the one currently in VCB.
- Super fast and near instantaneous preprocessing of large circuits. Wait no longer to simulate a circuit.
- A more flexible assembler. For example: addi r0d r1a (immediate << 16) is now a valid instruction.
- If even more fancy assemblers are needed, native CustomASM support is included. (See project settings)
- New inks! The wire bundle ink groups traces of liked colors/types together into a single wire. 16 data lines for the price of one.
- A more convenient floating tools menu, which can be brought up anywhere on the canvas.
- An automatic repeat and tile tool built into the selection tool.
- A Blueprint Library which allows for quick loading of blueprints.
- A Virtual keyboard interface which allows CPUs to access the keyboard.
- An Audio output interface which allows for DSPs and MIDI music controllers.
- A Live VMem viewer which, makes debugging memory much easier.
- Custom canvas sizes however large your computer can handle.
- Customizable side panels on both sides of the screen, just like the latest beta VCB GUI.