#vaadinbuilder: a Groovy Builder for Vaadin The goal of this little projekt is to make the creation of Vaadin 7 GUIs as clutterless as possible, using the excellent builder support of Groovy.
##Current State
- Currently using Groovy 2.0.x and Vaadin 7.0.1 as base.
- Most widgets implemented
- Basic Binding implementend
- [Java] (http://www.java.com/download)
- [Maven] (http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi)
##Building/Using it mvn build; java -jar vaadinbuilder-sampler/target/vaadinbuilder-sampler-0.2-war-exec.jar ==> open http://localhost:8080/sampler in your browser, start working :)
##Sample The Sampler App strives to showcase the usage
##Online Demo The Sampler running on [CloudBees] (http://vaadinbuilder.kindofwhat.cloudbees.net/) (might be a little outdated)