This addon is no longer supported. For a supported addon please see:
This Statamic v3 addon provides an easy way to integrate with MeiliSearch, a powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use and deploy search engine.
- MeiliSearch 0.14+
- PHP 7.2+
- Statamic v3+
- Laravel 7+
You can install this addon via composer with the following command or from the Statamic control panel.
composer require kind-work/meili-search
For instructions on how to install MeiliSearch please see their documentation.
Configure the addon by setting your MeiliSearch URL and API Keys in your .env
After you add your master key you can use the following command to get your private and public keys.
php please meili-search:keys
To configure what collections you would like to index, publish the config file to config/meili-search.php
by running the following command. Then customize the indexes section of the file.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="meili-search-config"
When a collection entry is created, published, unpublished, saved or deleted via the Statamic control panel it will automatically be added, updated in or removed from the indexes configured for the appropriate collection.
The following connivence commands are available to help indexing, especially when updating content files manually.
php please meili-search:keys
php please meili-search:index help
php please meili-search:index create [Your MeiliSearch uid]
php please meili-search:index list
php please meili-search:index clear [Your MeiliSearch uid]
php please meili-search:index delete [Your MeiliSearch uid]
php please meili-search:documents help
php please meili-search:documents update
Searching is best done with JavaScript talking to MeiliSearch directly. This will give you the most performant real time searches. Here is a simple example of how you could do this with AlpineJS and TailwindCCS.
Note: These steps assume you already have AlpineJS and Tailwind CCS already set up and working in your project.
npm install meilisearch
yarn add meilisearch
import { MeiliSearch } from 'meilisearch'
window.client = new MeiliSearch({
host: 'http(s)://Your MeiliSearch address & port',
apiKey: 'Your MeiliSearch PUBLIC Key',
Here is a basic autocomplete using AlpineJS and Tailwind CCS, feel free copy it, customize it, or just use it as inspiration to do something completely different.
searchString: '',
results: {
hits: [],
index: window.client.index('Your Index UID Goes Here'),
async search() {
this.state = 'searching';
this.results = await;
px-2 py-1
border-2 border-solid border-gray-300 rounded
focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline
x-show="searchString.length > 0"
absolute left-0
mt-1 py-1
border-2 border-solid border-grey-200 rounded
x-show='results.hits.length < 1'
No results
x-show='results.hits.length > 0'
x-for='result in results.hits'
px-2 py-1
hover:bg-gray-300 focus:bg-gray-300
transition-colors duration-100 ease-in-out delay-75
focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline
Please see the Release Notes for more information what has changed recently.
If you discover any security-related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
This is commercial software. You may use the package for your sites. Each site requires its own license. You can purchase a licence from The Statamic Marketplace.