Hello, you've found my kindof private github. I try to provide small things weekly that help me and my workflows. I like to tinker around with ML enviornments and providing fast and simple cloud operations.
🌱 I’m currently learning how to implement, design, and deploy work AI models
👯 I’m looking for collaborattion, and new and state-of-the-art AI trends.
🤔 I'm still exploring and curious about cool applets, software, and computer architecture!
You've found my page, and I find that exciting, but please mind my privacy.. Please connect with me
if you most certainly need to! But let's be real, I'm from small town USA; and you don't expect anything from me.
💬 Maintained Platforms:
- "Trader": A knowledgable application that may assist with short-term, and long-term financial investments. It leverages cutting edge time forcasting predictions, and malleable strategy writers yet to be released
- My website: Check it out, it's basically me. Let me know how to change it but I dont want it to look any better, it was the first time using heroku.
- HomeAI: A dedicated application used to assist you in your everyday life. Focused on user create user based routines