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Manage basic Ansible requirements and provide default configuration values for roles developed at Silpion.


- name: Maintain basic Ansible requirements
  hosts: all
    - role: ansible-util
- name: Maintain basic Ansible requirements
  hosts: debians
    - role: ansible-util
      util_template_use_cow: false
      util_action_become_enable: true
      util_action_become_user: root
      util_action_become_method: sudo
      util_local_action_become_enable: true
      util_local_action_become_user: root
      util_local_action_become_method: sudo
      util_persistent_data_path_local: /path/to/shared/local/directory
      util_persistent_data_path_local_mode: 2777
      util_persistent_data_path_local_owner: shared_user
      util_persistent_data_path_local_group: shared_group
      util_persistent_data_path_remote_mode: 755
      util_persistent_data_path_remote_owner: remote_user
      util_persistent_data_path_remote_group: remote_group
      util_module_get_url_timeout: 12
      util_module_service_manage: true
      util_module_service_allow_reload: true
      util_module_service_allow_restart: true
      util_package_state_debian: installed
        - foo
      utiL_apt_cache_valid_time: 3600


Role for base configuration of Ansible roles developed at Silpion.

Any role developed at Silpion uses util configuration variables as default for their own variables, e.g. ansible-java role has the following default configuration:

  • java_template_use_cow: "{{ util_template_use_cow|default(true) }}"

This role further implements common requirements for Ansible itself and provides earliest access to manage EPEL on RHEL based systems, e.g. manage SELinux related topics.


silpion.util role depends on the silpion.lib role. This is configured for the ansible-galaxy install command in requirements.yml.

NOTE: Ensure silpion.lib role is getting installed as silpion.lib. There are hardcoded references to this name.

# Install silpion.lib role with ansible-galaxy
ansible-galaxy install --role-file requirements.yml


Starting with version 2.N this role drops support for includable tasks, e.g. _get.yml or _put.yml. These are now implemented in silpion.lib role, which follows being a library better than this role ever did and ever will.


  • privilege escalation

Role Variables

Mentioned above most of these variables are defined to configure downstream roles. Any downstream role (regarding util and lib) should use defaults based on variables in this roles defaults configuration. That means:

silpion.lib uses defaults based on silpion.util. Any Silpion role uses defaults either based on lib or util, which effectively means that any role should be configurable with variables from silpion.util.

If this is not the case in downstream roles this is considered a bug and we are most happy for filed issues or pull requests.

General configuration

  • util_template_use_cow: Whether to add {{ ansible_managed }} or a fancy cow to templates (boolean, default: true)
  • util_package_list_custom: Custom list of packages to be installed (list, default: [])
  • util_init_system: Allow to override init system configuration to be used for service templates (string, default: undefined)
  • util_path_to_lib_role: configure path to lib-role, which can get configured via silpion.lib role (string, default: {{ lib_roles_path }})


Roles supporting a various number of operating systems and versions do require to know what init system to configure for services. The util_init_system variable allows to hardcode that on inventory level for a specific project and is configured dynamically otherwise, e.g.

  • Archlinux: systemd
  • CentOS 6: sysvinit
  • CentOS 7: systemd
  • Ubuntu: upstart
  • et cetera

util_init_system value is written to local facts accessable with ansible_local.util.init.system. This fact may get used in other roles to ease configuration of service management.

The following values are supported (and therefor required):

  • systemd
  • sysvinit
  • upstart

init system configuration

Init systems today have different requirements when it comes to service deployment, e.g. SysV requires init scripts to be executable while upstart and Systemd discourage this.

util provides the following additional facts for service configuration.

  • ansible_local.util.init.service_dir
  • ansible_local.util.init.service_mode

These can be configured/hardcoded with the following variables and are configured dynamicallly otherwise, e.g.

  • systemd: /etc/systemd/system with mode 644
  • sysvinit: /etc/init.d with mode 755
  • util_init_service_dir: Override service directory
  • util_init_service_mode: Override service file mode

action modules

This role makes the become framework configurable for local_action and action modules.

  • util_action_become_enable: Whether to use privilege escalation for action modules (boolean, default: true)

  • util_action_become_user: Username to escalate privileges to for action modules (string, default: root)

  • util_action_become_method: Privileges escalation method to use (string, default: not in use)

  • util_local_action_become_enable: Whether to use privilege escalation for local_action modules (boolean, default: true)

  • util_local_action_become_user: Username to escalate privileges to for local_action modules (string, default: root)

  • util_local_action_become_method: Privileges escalation method to use (string, default: not in use)


Data persistency is now managed in silpion.lib role, where

  • tasks/datapersistency.yml ensures the required directories being available
  • tasks/get_url.yml can get used to download assets and
  • tasks/copy.yml can get used to upload assets

The following variables are used in silpion.lib role as defaults for the persistency paradigma.


  • util_persistent_data_path_local: Where to download data from the internet to the local machine (string, default: {{ lookup('env', 'HOME') + '/.ansible/assets' }})
  • util_persistent_data_path_local_owner: Owner for the local persistent data directory (string, default: |default(omit))
  • util_persistent_data_path_local_group: Group for the local persistent data directory (string, default: |default(omit))
  • util_persistent_data_path_local_mode: Octal access mode for the local persistent data directory (string, default: |default(omit))


  • util_persistent_data_path_remote: Where to upload data from the local machine to the managed node (string, default: /usr/local/src/ansible/assets)
  • util_persistent_data_path_remote_owner: Owner for the remote persistent data directory (string, default: |default(omit))
  • util_persistent_data_path_remote_group: Group for the remote persistent data directory (string, default: |default(omit))
  • util_persistent_data_path_remote_mode: Octal access mode for the remote persistent data directory (string, default: |default(omit))


The following variables are used as global configuration options for Ansible modules in general.

  • util_module_get_url_timeout: Configure get_url timeout= argument (int, default: 10)
  • util_module_service_manage: Whether Ansible should manage services with the service module (boolean, default: true)
  • util_module_service_allow_reload: Whether Ansible handlers are allowed to reload services (boolean, default: true)
  • util_module_service_allow_restart: Whether Ansible handlers are allowed to restart services (boolean, default: true)

ansible_os_family == 'Debian'

  • util_apt_cache_valid_time: Configure apt module cache_valid_time parameter (int, default: 3600)

ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'

These variables are used to control EPEL installation on RHEL based systems.

  • util_epel_enable: Whether to enable or disable EPEL repository (boolean, default: true)
  • util_epel_baseurl: URL for the EPEL repository (string, default:

Local facts

This role distributes various variables as local facts for third party roles to use.

The role tries to discover most of these facts, but they can be manually set using the corresponding variables. Check variable documentation above for details.

All facts are prefixed with ansible_local.util so a sample access path could look like this: ansible_local.util.init.system. The table below omits this prefix.

Fact name Fact description Variable name Distributed when
general.role_version util role version lookup from vars/main.yml always
general.template_use_cow Wether the cow is used for templates util_template_use_cow always
general.package_state Desired package state util_package_state_{{ ansible_os_family}} always
general.persistent_data_path Persistent data path util_persistent_data_path_remote always
init.system Init system type util_init_system always
init.service_dir Init system service files directory util_init_service_dir always
init.service_mode Init system service files mode util_init_service_mode always
modules.get_url.timeout Timeout for the get_url module util_module_get_url_timeout always
modules.service.manage Wether the service module may be used util_module_service_manage always
modules.service.allow_reload Wether the service module may reload services util_module_service_allow_reload always
modules.serivce.allow_restart Wether the service module may restart services util_module_service_allow_restart always
epel.enabled Wether EPEL is enabled on this system util_epel_enable {{ ansible_os_family }} == RedHat
modules.apt.cache_valid_time Apt cache valid time util_apt_cache_valid_time {{ ansible_os_family }} == Debian



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: ansible-util


Apache Version 2.0

Integration testing

This role provides integration tests using the Ruby RSpec/serverspec framework with a few drawbacks at the time of writing this documentation.

  • Currently supports ansible_os_family == 'Debian' only.

Running integration tests requires a number of dependencies being installed. As this role uses Ruby RSpec there is the need to have Ruby with rake and bundler available.

# install role specific dependencies with bundler
bundle install
# run the complete test suite with Docker
rake suite
# run the complete test suite with Vagrant

Author information

Mark Kusch mark.kusch


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