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Keycloak-client java modules

The files in the modules:

are not "owned" by this repository and hence the Java files should ideally not be directly updated. Those files are "owned" by the main Keycloak server repository and hence are supposed to be updated there (whenever needed) and synced into this repository by the bash script


client-common-synced module will be synced from Keycloak Main repository for the future and is a dependency of rest of the modules in this repository. Modules admin-client and authz-client may move to this repository in the future, therefore they are separated.

Syncing the files from Keycloak repository

Building the project

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

Running the testsuite

cd testsuite
mvn clean install

By default testsuite starts Keycloak server inside docker image, which is based on testcontainers. So it uses white-box testing from the point of view of the Keycloak server.

When running with the argument keycloak.lifecycle like:

mvn clean install -Dkeycloak.lifecycle=remote

The testsuite won't start the Keycloak server, but instead tests will try to use Keycloak server, which is already started on this laptop where testsuite is running.

It is also possible to use different version of Keycloak server. By default, it uses nightly docker image, but can be overriden by the parameter like this:

mvn clean install -Dkeycloak.version.docker.image=24.0