Meme-ify your NFTs.
Enabling NFT owners to generate derivative assets (new NFTs) from items they already own. These can then be sold, licensed, flaunted, etc.
Install the dependencies with the following (assuming you have yarn installed).
Spin up a local chain and migrate the contracts.
truffle develop
$ migrate
Start the front-end.
yarn start
- Kovan L1: 0xe41eE07A9F41CD1Ab4e7F25A93321ba1Dc0Ec5b0
- SKALE Testnet: 0x6bef29BdBf7de18caf2fA2422A4ec3d4c7d0a064
- Arbitrum Kovan4 - 0xe41eE07A9F41CD1Ab4e7F25A93321ba1Dc0Ec5b0
- General refactor (components, etc)
- Ability to load an existing NFT (address bar / id)
- Ability to meme-ify (sketch on top, add icons, emojis, etc)
- Ability to save generated metadata to IPFS (and recieved CID)
- Ability to generate the derivative (new) NFT on an L2
- Ability to move asset back to L1 via bridge(s)
- Ability to view what other people have created, etc (should be just incrementing the ids)
- Ability to via a custom route for each asset