Releases: kevalpatel2106/pocket-ci
Releases · kevalpatel2106/pocket-ci
What's Changed
New Features and enhanchements 🎉
- Empty view in project and builds by @kevalpatel2106 in #6
- Save build logs to local storage by @kevalpatel2106 in #49
Documentation 📝
- Build status list design by @kevalpatel2106 in #29
- Setting up analytics by @kevalpatel2106 in #67
Tehchnical 🤖
- Enabling dependabot PR auto-approve by @kevalpatel2106 in #4
- Add Gradle update actions and wrapper validation action by @kevalpatel2106 in #13
- Using personal access token for PRs and merge done by GitHub actions by @kevalpatel2106 in #16
- Adding tests by @kevalpatel2106 in #63
Other Changes
- Setting design for account and project list item by @kevalpatel2106 in #10
- Adding leak canary by @kevalpatel2106 in #12
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.4.2 to 7.5 by @github-actions in #14
- Update Gradle Wrapper from 7.5 to 7.5.1 by @kevalpatel2106 in #32
- Add Custom View: TimeDifferenceTextView by @kevalpatel2106 in #33
- Build status imageview by @kevalpatel2106 in #34
- Build and job related pages by @kevalpatel2106 in #41
- Handling logs deleted on Github by @kevalpatel2106 in #42
- Better error handling and surfacing debug info from throwable to user by @kevalpatel2106 in #43
- Build list screen by @kevalpatel2106 in #50
- Encrypting database on release builds by @kevalpatel2106 in #53
- Release deploy workflow by @kevalpatel2106 in #54
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #56
- Adding tests by @kevalpatel2106 in #66
- [#68] Fix project list flickering by @kevalpatel2106 in #76
- [#44] Fixed crash when triggered by null in github by @kevalpatel2106 in #77
- Exclude job cancellation exception from being reported to Crashlytics by @kevalpatel2106 in #90
- Crash when commit hash is empty by @kevalpatel2106 in #93
- Adding password toggle in token text filed by @kevalpatel2106 in #96
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #2
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #14
- @imgbot made their first contribution in #56
Full Changelog: