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Add localized key names

Keval edited this page Apr 13, 2017 · 7 revisions
  • Nowadays most of the application uses localized strings and resources to provide more customized experience to their users.
  • PassCodeView supports localization of the title and key names.

How to set key names for different locales?

  • You can set the custom names of the keys by using KeyNamesBuilder.
  • This class uses builder pattern. You can set the name of each individual number key.
  • This is an optional parameter. If this parameter is not set library will display key names in default English locale.

How to use KeysNameBuilder?

  1. Create the string resources for each key name and for each locale you want to support.
  2. You can set each individual key name using KeyNamesBuilder in your activity/fragment java file.
//Override the string resources for each key for different locales.
KeyNamesBuilder keyNamesBuilder = new KeyNamesBuilder(this)
                .setKeyOne(R.string.key_1)   //The name you want to display on key with digit value 1.
                .setKeyTwo(R.string.key_2)   //The name you want to display on key with digit value 2.
                .setKeyThree(R.string.key_3) //...
                .setKeyFour(R.string.key_4)  //...
  1. Set the key names in PINView.
     PinView pinView = (PinView) findViewById(;

     //Set the name of the keys based on your locale.
     //OPTIONAL. If not passed key names will be displayed based on English locale.
  1. That's it! For more info, you can see sample project which supports 4 different locales.


  • By default each key name is set to English locale. So, if you don't set the name of any key KeyNamesBuilder, it will be displayed in English locale.

Screenshots :

English Hindi